Nina Multak Presents on Nursing Informatics and Transdisciplinary Simulation
May 9, 2013
Nina Multak, an assistant clinical professor in the Physician Assistant Department, gave two presentations. The first, “Implementing an Open Source EMR in a Nursing Informatics Course,” took place at the iConference in Fort Worth, Texas with colleagues from Drexel’s iSchool Emad Khazraee, Michelle Rogers, and Dr. Prudence Dalrymple. Her second presentation, “The Impact of Transdisciplinary Simulation on Inter-professional Collaborative Practice in Women’s Health,” was held in Orlando, Florida at the 13th International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). She presented with College of Nursing and Health Professions colleagues Dr. Kymberlee Montgomery and Kate Morse, and Dr. Sharon Griswold-Theodorson from the College of Medicine.