CASTLE Initiative Affiliates

In alphabetical order:

Jenny AtchinsonJennifer Atchison, PhD, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Supports: Lockheed and Allabach Initiatives

Eric BreweEric Brewe, PhD, Professor of Physics and Science Education, College of Arts and Sciences
Supports: DARE ExCEL and PROFESS initiatives

Stephen Cox, Director, Regional Alliance, Undergraduate Education
Supports: PROFESS programming

Kapil DandekarKapil Dandekar, PhD, E. Warren Colehower Chair Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Associate Dean for Enrollment Management and Graduate Education
Supports: DARE ExCEL and PROFESS initiatives

Sujoy DasSujoy Das, PhD, Vice Provost, Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation
Supports: HHMI Programming

Drexel CASTLE LogoJohn Dinardo, PhD, Professor, Physics
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Drexel CASTLE LogoJaimie Dougherty, PhD, Associate Teaching Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Dave-GoldbergDave Goldberg, PhD, Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Physics
Supports: DARE ExCEL and PROFESS programming

Paul Harrington - Drexel University Professor for MS in Global and International EducationPaul Harrington, PhD, Professor, Labor Markets & Policy
Supports: DARE ExCEL research

Lynne HickleLynne Hickle, Executive Director, Cooperative Education
Supports: DARE ExCEL research

Erin HorvatErin McNamara Horvat, PhD, Senior Vice Provost, Faculty Advancement
Supports: HHMI Programming

Drexel CASTLE LogoMesha Hunte-Brown, PhD, Teaching Professor, Biology
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Drexel CASTLE LogoJeremy Johnson, PhD, Professor, Computer Science
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Youngmoo KimYoungmoo Kim, PhD, Vice Provost for University and Community Partnerships, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Director, Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITe) Center
Supports: PROFESS programming

Daniel KingDaniel King, PhD, Associate Professor of Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences
Supports: HHMI programming

Valerie KleinValerie Klein, PhD, Associate Clinical Professor, Program Director for Teacher Education Programs
Supports: PROFESS initiatives

Antonios KonstosAntonios Kontsos, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Group, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Supports: DARE ExCEL

Drexel CASTLE LogoChristina Love, PhD, Associate Teaching Professor, Physics
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellow program

Jaya Mohan” src=Jaya MohanDirector, Undergraduate Research & Enrichment Programs
Supports: Velay Fellows

William Mongan, Associate Professor, Ursinus College
Supports: DARE ExCEL

Drexel CASTLE LogoDimitri Papadopoulos, EdD, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Drexel CASTLE LogoJeffrey Popyack, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellows program

Wesley ShumarWesley Shumar, PhD, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Communication and School of Education
Supports: HHMI programming

Toni A. Sondergeld - Drexel University Associate Professor for MS in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum: Advanced StudiesToni May (Sondergeld), PhD, Associate Professor, School of Education, Co-Director of the Methods Lab
Supports: PROFESS programming

Drexel CASTLE LogoSteven Weber, PhD, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Curriculum and Education, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Supports: CASTLE Faculty Fellow program