Drexel Business Services
Drexel University's Business Services department delivers a variety of programs and services essential to students and employees. We work hard to foster dynamic campus destinations and community relationships. Business Services administers the following operations:
- Campus dining, vending and retail
- DragonCard services and the DragonDollars program
- On-campus parking services
- The Vice President of Business Services also oversees Academic Properties, Inc., a wholly owned, non-profit real estate subsidiary of Drexel University.
Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to create value, reduce costs and improve efficiency.
Operating Principles
We are committed to continuous improvement.
We work to improve value and operational efficiencies, while reducing costs.
We are committed to customer service.
Your feedback is the primary driver to continuously improve services and create sustainable value. We solicit and review feedback to provide timely, excellent service to students, faculty, professional staff, alumni and other stakeholders.
We hold service partners accountable.
We hold our service providers accountable to provide high quality retail and campus services that are market-responsive and enhance the Drexel community.
We are committed to stewardship.
We establish and follow efficient operational best practices that support Drexel's goals and initiatives to promote sound stewardship of resources.
We are committed to community engagement.
We leverage our relationships to support the University's strategic goals.
Contact Us
Drexel Business Services is here to help you. Contact us with your questions and feedback.