Summer Foliage at the Gateway Garden
Although the first day of summer may not officially be until June 20, warmer weather has brought lots of bold colors and foliage to the Gateway Garden, creating a lush oasis.
By Amanda Noll
June 3, 2024
The Drexel community is invited to enjoy the seasonable weather any time in the Gateway Garden (32nd Street and JFK Blvd), a beautifully landscaped space with table seating, a shaded canopy, and relaxing rocking chairs.
Signs of Summer at the Gateway Garden
The Lonicera periclymenum ‘Senstation’ is a showy and fragrant vine known commonly as honeysuckle and has been established well over the past few years located on the blue arches throughout the space. Make sure to stop and smell! Agastache ‘Morello’ has beautiful tubular pink flowers planted throughout the Garden; this perennial will attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Cynara cardunculus ‘Porto Spineless,’ a cousin of the artichoke, grows dramatic spiky foliage through the early summer months before fruiting a purple thistle in the center.Pink, orange, yellow, and green colors will evolve with the summer season, so make sure to stop in the Garden regularly to see what’s currently blooming.