Performance Development Timeline — 2024

The annual performance development process for professional staff is being paused for 2024; the process for reviews for faculty with administrative responsibilities will continue as scheduled. Drexel HR will provide more details in October on changes to the process that will allow professional staff to better align their goals to University strategic initiatives and allow managers and their direct reports to focus more intentionally on frequent feedback and development conversations that encourage learning and growth across the University. Please contact your HR Business Partner with questions.

Faculty with administrative responsibilities hired before May 1, 2024, will participate in the annual performance development process. For those hired on or after May 1, 2024, the required introductory review will stand as the performance review.

All other faculty should follow the evaluation guidelines set by their college or school and on the FAR website.

Timeline: Faculty With Administrative Responsibilities

Task Owner Due Date
Faculty administrative reviews launch
HR 6/26/2024
Faculty self-evaluation for administrative appointment completed
Faculty 9/25/2024
Department head review of faculty with administrative appointment completed (includes meeting to discuss)
Deans or Department Head 10/22/2024
Faculty member electronic signature completed
Faculty 11/6/2024
Department head electronic signature completed
Deans or Department Heads 11/13/2024