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President's Awards

You Make the Difference: President's Awards

Drexel President's Awards recognize exceptional full- and part-time faculty and professional staff members.  Three awards are offered every other year:

  • Award for Excellence for Professional Staff
  • Award for Diversity and Inclusive Community for Faculty and Professional Staff
  • Civic Engagement Award for Faculty and Professional Staff


All Drexel University full- and part-time faculty and professional staff (both individuals and teams) are eligible for nomination, with the exception of vice president and vice provost positions and above, including deans and chairs. All award recipients must be full- or part-time faculty or professional staff members. Nominations from non-employees or family members will not be accepted.

Nomination Process

In addition to a nomination letter that outlines the nominee's contributions (within the years of 2023-2024, as the last time the awards were held was 2022), all nominations are required to include two letters of support from fellow faculty, professional staff members, students, or members of the community, that must be submitted at the time of your nomination. If your nomination does not include two letters of support it will be ineligible for consideration.

In order to submit a nomination using the nomination forms, please compile the following:

  1. Nominee information
    • Individual nomination: nominee's name
    • Team nomination: team name, team leader name (if applicable), team members' names
  2. Your nomination letter explaining how the nominee achieved the award's criteria
  3. Letter of support from fellow faculty or professional staff members, students, or members of the community explaining how the nominee achieved the award's criteria
  4. A second letter of support from fellow faculty or professional staff members, students, or members of the community explaining how the nominee achieved the award's criteria

Criteria and Nomination Forms

Award for Excellence for Professional Staff

This award is the highest honor to professional staff, recognizing excellence and/or innovation that enables the University to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals. Individual award recipients will receive $1,500; teams will receive up to $5,000 (maximum $1,000 per individual).

Award Criteria

All Drexel University full- and part-time professional staff (both individuals and teams) are eligible for nomination for this prestigious award. 

Nominees must have made a significant contribution to Drexel that supports the University’s or Academy of Natural Sciences' mission statement and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated excellence and/or innovation that enables Drexel to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals and strategic plans.
  • Developed ground breaking ideas or novel approaches for process or program improvement that have been reviewed and approved for implementation.
  • Effectively collaborated with other colleges, departments, or divisions on a major project or initiative that supported Drexel in achieving its strategic objectives and mission.
  • Delivered exceptional results, produced significant cost savings or enhanced efficiency through extraordinary service.


Civic Engagement Award for Faculty and Professional Staff

This award recognizes the outstanding personal commitment to community engagement, an integral component of Drexel's mission to serve its students and society. Individual award recipients will receive $1,000 and a donation of $1,000 to the charity of their choice; teams will receive up to $5,000 (maximum $1,000 per individual) and a donation of $1,000 to the charity of their choice.

Award Criteria

All Drexel University individuals or teams consisting of full- and part-time faculty or professional staff are eligible for this prestigious award.

Nominees must support President Fry's vision regarding Drexel being ranked as one of the nation's leading universities for civic engagement and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Contributed to the design and implementation of solutions and strategies intended to build sustainable communities, fostering Drexel’s commitment to civic engagement.
  • Addressed the community’s needs in extraordinary and innovative ways.
  • Instrumental in the creation, organization, and mobilization of other individuals, groups and resources that are involved in projects benefiting the community.


Award for Diversity and Inclusive Community for Faculty and Professional Staff

This award recognizes and honors significant contributions that advance the University's Culture of Equity imperative by promoting awareness of and respect for diversity, creating opportunities for intercultural engagement, and building upon Drexel's founding principle of inclusion. Individual award recipients will receive $1,000; teams will receive up to $5,000 (maximum $1,000 per individual). 

Award Criteria

All Drexel University individuals or teams consisting of full- and part-time faculty or professional staff are eligible for this prestigious award.

Nominees must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Contributed to Drexel's commitment to increasing awareness of and respect for diversity and building upon Drexel's founding principle of inclusion.
  • Contributed towards advancing the University's Anti-racism Task Force (ARTF) commitments with demonstrated successful outcomes (i.e. a particular initiative or through a combination of corresponding activities).
  • Integrated diversity and efforts to build inclusive community into an ongoing program or service at Drexel (i.e. improving upon an existing program).
  • Designed replicable and measurable diversity and inclusion efforts (i.e. something that can be replicated).
  • Implemented diversity and inclusion efforts that leverage resources to reach the entire University community (i.e. created partnerships among faculty, professional staff, and students).
  • Provided an opportunity to learn about an underrepresented or marginalized identity (i.e. contributing a teachable component to diversity and inclusion efforts).
  • Contributed positively to an antiracist and inclusive community through an emphasis on values such as nonviolence, emotional intelligence, inquiry and social learning, democracy, open communication, social responsibility, and growth and change.


Selection Committee

  • Paul Brandt-Rauf, School of Biomedical Engineering
  • Veronica Carey, Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Nursing and Health Professions
  • Verdi DiSesa, Senior Vice Dean and Chief Operating Officer, College of Medicine
  • Kristen Hayes, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Close School of Entrepreneurship
  • Tryphaena Hooper, Executive Director, Privacy Program Services
  • Gina Kerwin, Engagement Officer, Leadership, President's Councils, Institutional Advancement
  • Lisa Miller, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Aleister Saunders, Executive Vice Provost, Research and Innovation
  • Caroline Schauer, Margaret C. Burns Professor, College of Engineering
  • Ros Remer, Senior Vice Provost, Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships

Award Representatives:

  • Award for Excellence: Desiree Homyn, Human Resources Business Partner
  • Award for Diversity and Inclusive Community: Patience Ajoff-Foster, Executive Director, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Award for Civic Engagement: Joanne Ferroni, Director, University and Community Partnerships

Program Administration: Kathy Choy, Assistant Director of Talent Development, Human Resources