
Are exams enough? Using Frequent Low-stakes Assessments to Boost Learning
With finals looming, it is a great time to reflect on whether we provide our students with the appropriate amount of practice and feedback they need to succeed. One question in particular we may want to ask is, “should I be testing students more often?” For many years now educational researchers have highlighted important findings suggesting that the act of testing itself can lead to better retention of course material than studying the same material for an equivalent amount of time. However, since testing is typically considered an assessment tool, retrieval practice is often an underutilized learning tool.
Injustice, Elections, and COVID 19: Effectively Handling Highly-Charged Class Discussions
This week, our nation braces as we await the results of a presidential election during an ongoing global pandemic. Simultaneously, many of us are still reeling from the tragedy which unfolded last week in West Philadelphia, spawning protests and civil unrest. For many faculty and students these ongoing events create heightened fear, frustration, and grief. At these moments, it is important to acknowledge current events with our students.

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