Giuseppe Salomone, PhD

Dr. Salomone has been with Drexel University since 1990. He manages the current Registrar offices for all three campuses (University City, Center City, and Queen Lane) and supervises a staff of 15 employees. He serves on academic advisory boards as well as various University-wide committees. Dr. Salomone’s background is in Academic Affairs and educational systems. He worked on implementing the Banner student system across all three campuses and subsequently has established a rapport with departments, faculty, staff, and students.
Before assuming the position of Assistant Vice President and University Registrar as part of Enrollment Management and Student Success, he served in the capacity of an accountant (in industry), Assistant to the Dean, Registrar and Director of Information and Systems at Drexel University. Dr. Salomone has a Bachelor of Science in Business and Administration with a major of Accounting, Bachelor of Arts in both Sociology and Anthropology and Master’s degrees in Elementary Education, Higher Education, Information Systems, E-Learning Leadership, Culture, Communications and Media, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Learning Technologies all from Drexel University. His Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Learning Technologies at Drexel University focused on the culture of student engagement in online learning. Currently, he is pursuing his second Ph.D. in Communications, Culture, and Media.
Dr. Salomone is very knowledgeable about the overall academic enterprise having functioned as a student, staff member, and faculty member at Drexel University. He has 28 years’ experience in Higher Education and is well versed with all nuances and intricacies related to administration, Alumni Relations, Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, Student Systems, Academic Advising, Student Support Services and the Office of the University Registrar.
He has implemented three student systems here in Philadelphia and has worked in all stages of the system development and the enrollment management lifecycle and beyond. He has extensive system skills (including implementation, development, process redesign, training, and documentation) as well as experience in academic systems management and support. He is fluent in the educational enterprise from Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs to Alumni Relations. He has also presented nationally at the SCT Ellucian Summit, MSACRAO, Educause and AACRAO conferences related to the Office of the University Registrar, Enrollment Management, Drexel University, LGBTQA+ issues and education, and the nuances of the Banner Student System/Student Management Lifecycle.