STAR Scholars

The STAR (Students Tackling Advanced Research) Scholars Program is an opportunity for highly motivated first-year students to engage in an early faculty-mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative experience during the summer after their freshman year. This highly competitive co-curricular educational program seeks to identify and encourage students to take a hands-on approach to their education through undergraduate research.

Students who participate in the STAR Scholars Program complete 350 hours of faculty-mentored research, scholarship, or creative activity, and their summer experience culminates with a poster presentation at the annual STAR Scholars Summer Showcase. To enable participation, STAR Scholars receive a stipend and free on-campus housing for the 10-week program.

Apply for STAR Scholars

Prospective students can apply to STAR during the admissions process to the University. Current first-year and transfer students can apply through the mid-year application process.

Learn more and apply

20 Years of STAR

The 2021-22 academic year marked the 20th year of the STAR Scholars Program. Over 2,000 Drexel students have completed the STAR Scholars Program since it began, and these students and alumni identify the program as having been transformative and impactful.

Read testimonials from STAR alumni

STAR Scholars FAQs

These questions are specific to the on-campus STAR Scholars Program. For information regarding the iSTAR Scholars Program, please view the iSTAR Scholars page here.

Eligibility for & Applying to STAR

Participation in STAR

Research outside of STAR