How are STAR Scholars matched to faculty mentors?
STAR Scholars are not matched to faculty mentors; rather, they choose their own faculty mentor. We advise STAR Scholars on which faculty mentors are conducting research in the areas in which they have expressed an interest, and we encourage STAR Scholars to take the initiative in finding their own faculty mentor by networking with their current professors, “researching their research” by looking up faculty research projects online, and perusing the ForagerOne platform to see the types of research positions that are already posted.
The STAR Scholars Program runs for the full ten (10) weeks of the Drexel University Summer Term between students’ freshman and sophomore year.
How many hours per week are STAR Scholars expected to work?
STAR Scholars are expected to work approximately 35 hours/week for the entirety of the summer term, for a total of 350 hours of faculty-mentored research, scholarship, or creative activity.
How much pay do STAR Scholars receive?
Each STAR Scholar is provided a stipend equal to $10/hour for 35 hours/week over the course of a 10-week period. Thus, each STAR Scholar is expected to earn a total of $3,500 in taxable income over the course of the summer term. In addition, campus housing is provided at no cost to all STAR Scholars for the summer term.
What specific deliverables are expected of STAR Scholars?
Each STAR Scholar is responsible for creating a poster, which they are then expected to present at the annual STAR Scholars Summer Showcase. STAR Scholars are also required to write and submit an abstract of their research to be published in the STAR Scholars Summer Showcase program.
Are STAR Scholars eligible to take courses during the STAR Summer Term?
Yes. STAR Scholars are eligible to take one class during the STAR Summer Term with the approval of their Mentor. Each student who chooses to take a course over the summer bears responsibility for tuition for this course, as payment for summer courses is NOT included in the stipend for STAR Scholars.
What is expected of STAR Mentors?
STAR Mentors are expected to define appropriate research activities within the chosen discipline, provide academic and career guidance to their STAR Scholars, and monitor the research being conducted under their tutelage. We expect Mentors to provide a research/creative environment that is conducive to learning, as well as feedback to students as their research/creative activity progresses. Our expectations of our STAR Mentors are explained in full detail in the STAR Scholar/Mentor Contract.