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FAO Schwarz Fellowship

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship in social impact provides graduating seniors interested in careers in social change opportunities to develop their leadership potential and professional skills.

Fellowship positions are paid, two-year experiences working at leading nonprofit organizations in Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia both in direct service roles and in leading key program initiatives. In addition to salary and benefits, Fellowships include professional development, retreats, mentoring, and cohort experiences. Fellowship positions and host organizations are announced in the fall.

Successful candidates will have a strong academic record, demonstrated leadership, and a strong commitment to social justice. Applicants must be college seniors at the time of application and be eligible to work in the United States for the duration of the Fellowship.


  • Winter 

Fields of Study:

  • Any Field

Program Type:

  • Post-Grad Service Opportunity
  • Professional Opportunity
  • Public Service

Program Length:

  • Multi-year

Degree Level:

  • Post UG


  • Philadelphia, New York City, Boston


  • US Citizen/National
  • US Permanent Resident
  • Citizen of another country