Major Publications for Plasma Energy Lab

  1. Wright KC, Kim HS, Cho DJ, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Cho, YI, New Fouling Prevention Method Using a Plasma Gliding Arc For Produced Water Treatment. Desalination, 345, 64-712014 (2014).
  2. Nunnally T, Gutsol K, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Gutsol A, Plasma Dissociation of H2S With O2 Addition. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014)
  3. Nunnally T, Tsangaris A, Rabinovich, A, Nirenberg G, Chernets I, Gliding Arc Plasma Oxidative Steam Reforming of a Simulated Syngas Containing Naphthalene and Toluene. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014).
  4. Robinson R, Gutsol K, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Plasma Acid Production in a Gliding Arc Plasmatron. Plasma Medicine (2014)
  5. Kim HS, Cho YI, Hwang IH, Lee DH, Cho DH, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Use of Plasma Gliding Arc Discharges on the Inactivation of E. Coli in Water. Separation and Purification Technology, 120, 423-4284 (2013).
  6. Robinson R, Gutsol A, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Plasma Acid Formation From the Interaction of a Gliding Arc Plasmatron and Water. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 58 (2013).
  7. Gutsol K, Rabinovich A, Gutsol A, Fridman A, Hydrogen Sulfide Dissociation in Nanosecond Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 58 (2013).
  8. Kim HS, Wright KC, Hwang IW, Lee DH, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Cho YI, Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide Generated by Gliding Arc Discharge and Inactivation of E. Coli in Water International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 42, 5-106 (2013).
  9. Park DP, Davis K, Gilani S, Alonzo CA, Dobrynin D, Friedman G, Fridman A, Rabinovich A, Fridman G, Reactive Nitrogen Species Produced in Water by Non-Equilibrium Plasma Increase Plant Growth Rate and Nutritional Yield. Current Applied Physics, 13, S19-S29 (2013).
  10. Chernets I, Nirenberg G, Rabinovich A, Fridman A,Characteristics of High-Power Gliding Arc Plasma Reformer For Industrial Applications. Plasma Science (ICOPS), Abstracts IEEE International Conference on, 1P (2012).
  11. Odeyemi F, Pekker M, Rabinovich A, Fridman AA, Heon M, Mochalin VN, Low Temperature Plasma Reforming of Hydrocarbon Fuels Into Hydrogen and Carbon Suboxide For Energy Generation Without Emission. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on, 40, 5, 1362-1370 (2012).
  12. Nunnally T, Gutsol K, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Gutsol A, Kemoun A, Dissociation of CO2 in a Low Current Gliding Arc Plasmatron. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 27, 274009, 12 (2011).
  13. Gutsol A, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Combustion-Assisted Plasma in Fuel Conversion. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 27, 274001, 31 (2011).
  14. Kim HS, Wright KC, Hwang IH, Lee DH, Rabinovich A, Fridman AA, Cho YI, Effects of H2O2 and Low pH Produced by Gliding Arc Discharge on the Inactivation of  Escherichia Coli in Water. Plasma Medicine, 1, 3-4 (2011).
  15. Gutsol K, Nunnally T, Rabinovich A, Starikovskiy A, Fridman A, Gutsol A, Non-Equilibrium Plasma Assisted Dissociation of Hydrogen Sulfide. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 55 (2010). 
  16. Gallagher MJ, Geiger R, Polevich A, Rabinovich A, Gutsol A, Fridman A, On-Board Plasma-Assisted Conversion of Heavy Hydrocarbons Into Synthesis Gas. Fuel, 89, 6, 1187-1192 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2009.11.039
  17. Gutsol K, Nunnally T, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Starikovsky A, Gutsol A, Mechanisms of Non-Equilibrium Dissociation of Hydrogen Sulfide in Low-Temperature Plasma. Plasma Science, 2010 Abstracts IEEE International Conference, 1,1,1 (2010). doi: 10.1109/PLASMA.2010.5534017
  18. Yang Y, Kim H, Starikovskiy A, Fridman A, Cho Y, Plasma Assisted Conversion of Pyrogas. Plasma Science, 2010 Abstracts IEEE International Conference, 1,1 (2010).
  19. Nunnally T, Gutsol K, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, Starikovsky A, & Gutsol A. (2009). Dissociation of H2S in non-equilibrium gliding arc “tornado” discharge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 18, 7618-7625.
  20. Gallagher MJ, Polevich A, Rabinovich A, Fridman A, New Glid-Arc Plasmatron Device for On-Board Plasma-Assisted Reforming of JP-8 fuels for Auxiliary Power Inits MJ Gallagher. Plasma Science-Abstracts, 2009. ICOPS 2009. IEEE International Conference on (2009).
  21. Rabinovich A, Gallagher M, Gutsol A, Fridman A, Samokhin A, Alexeev N, Production of Hydrogen Rich Gas in Compact Plasma Reformers. Plasma Science, 2008. ICOPS 2008. IEEE 35th International Conference on, 1-1(2008).
  22. Gallagher MJ, Rabinovich A, Gutsol A, Fridman A, Liquid Fuel Conversion Using Gliding Discharge in Tornado for Direct Use in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Plasma Science, 2008. ICOPS 2008. IEEE 35th International Conference on, 1-1 (2008).
  23. Bromberg L, Cohn DR, Rabinovich A, Alexeev N, Samokhin AV, Hadidi K, Onboard Plasmatron Hydrogen Production for Improved Vehicles. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 21(2006).
  24. Bromberg L, Cohn DR, Hadidi K, Heywood JB, Rabinovich A, Plasmatron Fuel Reformer Development and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle Applications. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9 (2005).
  25. Hadidi K, Bromberg L, Cohn DR, Rabinovich A, Alexeev N, Samokhin AV,  Hydrogen-Rich Gas Production From Plasmatron Reforming of Biofuels. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004).
  26. Bromberg L, Cohn DR, Hadidi K, Rabinovich A, Margarit N, Alexeev N, Plasmatron Natural Gas Reforming. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem 49, 2, 970, 4 (2004)
  27. Hadidi K, Bromberg L, Cohn DR, Rabinovich A, Alexeev N, Samokhin A, Plasma Catalytic Reforming of Biofuels (2003).
  28. Bromberg L, Crane S, Rabinovich A, Kong Y, Cohn DR, Heywood J, Hydrogen Generation From Plasmatron Reformers: A Promising Technology for NOx Adsorber Regeneration and Other Automotive Applications. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 11 (2003).
  29. Bromberg L, Rabinovich A, Heywood J, Cohn DR, Onboard Plasmatron Generation of Hydrogen Rich Gas for Diesel Engine Exhaust Aftertreatment and Other Applications. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2 (2002).