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 Nyheim Plasma Institute at Drexel University Receives SERDP Grant to Advance Plasma-Activated Water Technology for Metal Cleaning

January 27, 2025

This innovative research promises significant environmental and industrial benefits, particularly for aerospace and defense applications. 

Nyheim Plasma Institute of Drexel University Receives $3.8 Million Grant from EPA for Innovative Project to Destroy Harmful HFCs Using Non-Thermal Plasma Technology

June 20, 2024 — Researchers from C&J Nyheim Plasma Institute of Drexel University have been selected to join an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiative aimed at eliminating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a class of potent greenhouse gases commonly used in refrigerants and insulating foams. As part of this federal effort to tackle climate-damaging gases, Drexel will receive $3.8 million over five years to develop a plasma arc device capable of destroying HFCs.

A research team lead by Drexel University Nyheim Plasma Institute (PI: Dr. Dmitri Vainchtein) received a 2021 NASA award HSR (Heliospheric Supporting Research)

September 28, 2022

A research team lead by University of Texas at Dallas and including groups from Drexel University Nyheim Plasma Institute (Institutional PI: Dr. Dmitri Vainchtein) and University of California Los Angeles received a 2021 NASA HGI (Heliosphysics Guest Investugator) award “Energetic Electron Scattering by Kinetic Alfven Waves in Earth's Radiation Belts.”

The 2022 ISPlasma Prize was awarded to Professor Alexander Fridman from Drexel University.

April 6, 2022

The ISPlasma Prize is the highest recognition awarded by the Organizing Committee of ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS for outstanding achievements in the field of Plasma Science and its Applications as well as great contribution towards the continued success of ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS.

Alexander Fridman, Director, C.&J. Nyheim Plasma Institute. Professor Fridman was named a 2020 Fellow by the National Academy of Inventors.

February 9, 2022 — He has published eight monographs (with multiple editions), and more than 1,000 scientific papers (with a total citation index of about 35,000; h-index 83), organized and chaired several major international conferences, and holds more than 30 patents. He has received numerous accolades for his contributions. Most recently in 2019, Dr. Fridman was honored with the Reactive Plasma Award, the highest award of the Japanese Society of Plasma Physics and Electronics, and International Society for Reactive Plasmas. He has also received the prestigious Plasma Chemistry Award, the highest award in the field of plasma engineering.

From a Cloud of Cold and a Spark, Drexel Researchers Create and Stabilize Pure Polymeric Nitrogen for the First Time

November 14, 2019 — This research was supported by the Army Research Office. In addition to Dobrynin, and Fridman, Roman Rakhmanov of the C&J Nyheim Plasma Institute contributed to this research. Read the full paper here:


July 18, 2019