Traditional 3-Year JD, Global JD, and International LLM
Seat Deposit
Deposit: $750
To confirm your intention of enrollment, you must pay the $750.00 non-refundable seat deposit by the date provided in your offer letter. To pay your deposit via credit card, login to Discover Drexel with your email address and account password. You may also mail a check directly to our admissions office. The check or money order should be made payable to “Drexel University.” Please be sure to include your University ID on all written correspondence. Once you are fully matriculated, the deposit will be applied towards your student fees.
The seat deposit holds your seat until July 1.
You must complete the items below on or before July 1 to continue holding your seat:
Failure to complete these steps by the deadline provided will result in your withdrawal from the program. If you need an extension for financial reasons, please reach out to the admissions team before the due date(s).
Activate Your Account
Activating your DrexelOne account provides access to all of the functions of the Computer Account Management Service, including your email, network services and all student or employee records, such as personal data, registration, financial aid, payroll, career management/co-op, etc. Within 48-72 hours after you’ve paid your deposit, you should activate your DrexelOne account.
If you have been awarded a merit-based scholarship, please review and electronically sign the Scholarship Statement of Understanding Form. The link to the scholarship form comes in an email 24 hours after we've updated your status to deposit paid.
Visa Information
You must pay your deposit in order to get the documents you need to secure your Visa.
The International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) Office will email you with all the information you will need to secure your visa within 48 hours of receiving your deposit. It is critical that you begin the visa process within one week of receiving the email from ISSS. Embassy appointments can be difficult to schedule, so act quickly. LEARN MORE.
Defer to Another Term
Requests for deferring your start date must be sent to and must include the following:
- Name
- Student ID number
- Term you wish to start
- Reason for request
Requests will be reviewed by the admissions committee and you will be notified of their final decision to grant or deny your deferral request via email.