Faculty Assessment Fellows Intake Form

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Faculty Assessment Fellows Glossary

To gather information and work with faculty on the assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning, everyone needs to be speaking the same language.

Faculty Assessment Fellows


Currently on campus, there are faculty members who are participating in the assessment of teaching and learning in an exemplary fashion. As on any other campus, however it is sometimes difficult to show the importance of assessment as well as provide training opportunities, since the common perception is that assessment is both an outgrowth of an increased federal regulatory environment, and a “push down” effort by regional and program specific accreditation bodies. Designated fellows will be the conduits to other interested faculty members who would like to develop assessment plans and practices to foster continuous improvement in their courses and programs regardless of mandate or compliance requirements.  Additionally, the Fellows will also act as mentors to any faculty member who needs help in any aspect of the assessment cycle.  The Assessment Fellows will exponentially assist in the spread of the continuous improvement model within courses and programs.

The Mission of the Assessment Fellows Program at Drexel University is to...

Inform and support efforts to assess and evaluate learning so as to continuously improve pedagogy and curriculum design to achieve desired learning outcomes.

The Roles of the Faculty Assessment Fellows are to: 

  • Collect and disseminate effective practices in assessment and evaluation.
  • Respond and provide active assistance and encouragement for continuous improvement of assessment and evaluation practices.
  • Facilitate the evaluation of assessment data to improve curriculum design and pedagogical practice.
  • Provide leadership in the development of innovative approaches in assessment and evaluation.
  • Empower University community participation in the continuous improvement process.

Contact the Faculty Assessment Fellows

Meet the Faculty Assessment Fellows

Toni Sondergeld, PhD, Associate Professor, Co-Director of The Methods Lab
William Lynch, PhD, Professor, School of Education
Donald McEachron, PhD, Teaching Professor and Coordinator for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement
Diane DePew, PhD, BSN, RN-BC, CNE , Associate Clinical Professor, Graduate Nursing