Style Examples

The following are a sampling of administrative logos. Please contact the University Marketing and Communications Design Team to request a logo for a specific office or department.

The names of offices, departments, centers, and institutes on logos within administrative units at Drexel University should always clearly communicate the role and function of the group. Acronyms should not be used on University logos.

The primary Office of the Provost logo is an example of a lockup with a descriptor above the department name.

Office of the Provost

The primary Drexel Central logo is an example of a lockup with a two-line descriptor below the department name.

Drexel Central Student Financial and Registration Services

The informal Health Sciences Campus Operations logo is an example of a lockup with a department name below the identifying office name.

Health Sciences Campus Operations, University Facilities

The informal Near Peers logo is an example of a lockup with a two-line department name below a two-line identifying office name.

Near Peers Academic Advising, Retention and Diversity

The low-resolution sample logos above are intended for display only and not to be used in layouts.

Request a Logo

Contact the University Marketing and Communications Graphic Design team to request specific logos for Drexel University centers, institutes, departments, and offices.