Administrative Identity
The Drexel University Graphic Identity Program has been designed to allow all administrative units the flexibility to represent themselves in unique and compelling ways. In this identity system, the University is always represented with the Drexel University wordmark. In most cases, the specific departments, programs, institutes, centers and offices are to be represented by a descriptor line set just below the university monogram and administrative unit descriptor. Do not alter or attempt to recreate these elements in any way. Always use approved artwork.
Primary logos are to be used more frequently than the formal and informal logos for print and should always be used for web applications.
Informal logos are to be used less often than the primary logos, and may be used on merchandise and apparel. They should not be used on the web.
The administrative unit logo consists of the dragon icon, the University wordmark and the administrative unit descriptor. Combined in a precise manner, these elements create distinct logos for Drexel University’s administrative units.
The low-resolution sample logos above are intended for display only and not to be used in layouts.