Incorrect Usage
The administrative logotypes should not be altered in any way, including extending, condensing, outlining; adding borders, special effects or drop shadows; or attaching other words or graphics. The examples below present incorrect usage and alterations of administrative logotypes.
Do not reproduce the logotype in unapproved color combinations.
Do not add any outlines, strokes, or dropshadows to the logotype.
Do not outline the logotype.
Do not reproduce the logotype in an unapproved color.
Do not apply grayscale to the logotype.
Do not rearrange elements in the administrative logotype.
Do not center the type in the administrative logotype.
Do not create additional art for use around the logotype.
Do not vertically scale the logotype.
Do not horizontally scale the logotype.
Do not use the wordmark separate from the icon.
Do not align the logotype in flush-right configuration.