Children's HealthWatch Publications
As an ongoing study of the Center for Hunger-Free Communities from 2004-2019, the Center published extensively on the findings and policy implications of Children's HealthWatch. Below is a selection of research and policy publications. A more exhaustive list of Center-wide publications can be found in the Research section of the website. Additional research and information about Children's HealthWatch can be found at
Briefs and Reports
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Experiences of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination are Associated with Food Insecurity and Poor Health - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (November 2019)
- SNAP, Young Children's Health, and Family Food Security and Healthcare Access - American Journal of Preventive Medicine (October 2019)
- Food Insecurity, Health, and Development in Children Under Age Four Years - Pediatrics (September 2019)
- Maternal Place of Birth, Socioeconomic Characteristics, and Child Health in US-Born Latinx Children in Boston - Academic Pediatrics (September 2019)
- Housing Instability Among Families with Young Children with Special Health Care Needs - Pediatrics (July 2019)
- Loss of SNAP is Associated with Food Insecurity and Poor Health in Working Families With Young Children - Health Affairs (May 2019)
- Timing and Durations of Pre- and Postnatal Homelessness and Health of Young Children - Pediatrics (September 2018)
- Unstable Housing and Caregiver ad Child Health in Renter Families - Pediatrics (January 2018)
- Mothers' Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Young Children's Development - American Journal of Preventive Medicine (October 2017)
- Childhood Adversity and Adult Reports of Food Insecurity Among Households With Children - American Journal of Preventive Medicine (May 2016)
- Children With Special Health Care Needs, Supplemental Security Income, and Food Insecurity - Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (February 2016)
- "Do You Want to Breathe or Eat?": Parent Perspectives on Child Health Consequences of Food Insecurity, Trade-offs, and Toxic Stress - Maternal and Child Health Journal (July 2015)
- Development of an Index of Subsidized Housing Availability and it's Relationship to Housing Insecurity- Housing Policy Debate (April 2015)
- Co-enrollment for Child Health: How Receipt and Loss of Food and Housing Subsidies Relate to Housing Security and Statutes for Streamlined, Multi-subsidy Application - Journal of Applied Research on Children (February 2015)
- The Relationship Between Child Adversity and Food Insecurity: It's Like a Bird Nesting in Your Head - Public Health Nutrition (January 2015)
- Homelessness During Pregnancy: A Unique, Time-Dependent Risk Factor of Birth Outcomes - Maternal and Child Health Journal (November 2014)
- Trends in Household and Child Food Insecurity Among Families with Young Children From 2007 TO 2013 - Journal of Applied Research on Children (December 2013)
- Health of Children Classified as Underweight by CDC Reference But Normal by WHO Standard - Pediatrics (May 2013)
- Household Hardships, Public Programs, and Their Associations with the Health and Development of Very Young Children: Insights from Children's HealthWatch - Journal of Applied Research on Children (February 2012)
- US Housing Insecurity and the Health of Very Young Children - American Journal of Public Health (August 2011)
- Development and Validity of a 2-item Screen to Identify Families at Risk for Food Insecurity - Pediatrics (July 2010)
- Cumulative Hardship and Wellness of Low-income, Young Children: Multisite Surveillance Study - Pediatrics (May 2010)
- Food Insecurity and Risk of Poor Health Among US-Born Children of Immigrants - American Journal of Public Health (March 2009)
- A Brief Indicator of Household Energy Security - Pediatrics (October 2008)
- Household Food Insecurity - Pediatrics (January 2008)