Co-op Workgroup

Undergraduate Student Interns

ExCITe's Workgroup is a team of undergraduate students from various disciplines across campus who are working together to find innovative solutions to problems. Besides supporting ExCITe through their daily responsibilities, the Workgroup pursues highly interdisciplinary individual and collaborative projects over their six month tenure. Read more about each of the Workgroup cohorts and learn about their projects at the links below.

Other Undergraduate Opportunities

The ExCITe Center provides additional undergraduate engagement opportunities through freshman/senior design projects, Work Study positions, part-time student positions, Students Tackling Advancing Research (STAR) research opportunities, as well as hosting several student clubs such as Theme Park Engineering Design.

Visit Drexel’s Student Employment page to see our current part-time opportunities and the Drexel Central page to view available Work Study opportunities.


The current cohort of the Co-op students continue to advance ExCITe’s research and grow our community outreach programs at the Center.
Learn more about who these students are and what they're working on by clicking the "full biography" link below.

Abby Tabas

Abby Tabas

STEAM Education Assistant

Full Biography

Bryson Cliggett

Bryson Cliggett

Civic Technologist

Full Biography