Pennsylvania Climate Initiative

TEC is working with an initial cohort of participating municipalities in Pennsylvania that are diverse in size ranging from small boroughs to mid-sized cities with unique socio-economic demographics, capacity, and climate resilience needs.

Through multiple one-on-one conversations, TEC identified commonalities across geographies and helped create a rubric through which potential projects in target municipalities can be identified. A universal initial need identified was for educational programs for residents regarding whole home energy efficiency, electrification, on-site renewables, and electric vehicle adoption.

Working with each individual municipality, The Environmental Collaboratory developed materials detailing existing federal and state programs related to these areas with a particular focus on the forthcoming, income-dependent Inflation Reduction Act rebates targeted towards middle and lower-income households. When possible, the materials included jurisdictionally-specific information about local ordinance in particular, as they relate to on-site solar PV. Digital materials were developed in a number of formats including brochures, web friendly graphics and text, and PowerPoint presentations. Dissemination methods to date have included both in-person presentations within the communities, live and recorded online webinars, and recorded public access television shows.

Local Climate Action Plans

Map of Participating Municipalities 

Map of initial cohort with participants marked by colored map pin markers. Participating Municipalities are Carnegie Borough, City of Reading, Berks County, Doylestown Borough, Camp Hill Borough, City of Scranton, Chester County Planning Commission, and Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

PA Climate Initiative Process

  • Recruitment of a diverse initial cohort of municipalities
  • Direct, one-on-one consultations
  • Alignment with ongoing technical assistance programs
  • Identification of commonalities to identify potential projects
  • Creation of the Residential Energy Education Project
  • Working towards forming a learning network of municipal partners

Residential Energy Education

Comprehensive energy education, in the form of presentations and workshops, for community residents on:

Home Energy Efficiency and Weatherization,  Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption, and Home Electrification and On-Site Renewables

TEC has provided support through:

  • Connection to Third Party Providers
  • Public-Facing Programming
  • One-on-one Consultation
  • Dynamic Communication and Outreach
  • Technical Assistance

Educational Materials