Quick Tips for Academic Success

These video presentations provide practical tips for academic success, specifically for international students - all in five minutes or less.

Classroom Participation

Module 1: Strategies for Effective Classroom Participation

  • Provides easy steps that can be used before, during, and after class to improve your ability to effectively participate in class discussions.

Module 2: Strategies for Effective Classroom Participation

  • Assists you in identifying how to make the most of your learning style in terms of classroom participation.

University Preparation

Module 1: SQ4R Overview – How to Study

  • Outlines the six steps of the SQ4R study method, which is a method that scholars have long recognized as a way to build upon our natural learning tendencies.

Module 2: SQ4R – Survey the Text

  • Provides five strategies to use for previewing the text and developing a preliminary understanding of the topic.

Module 3: SQ4R – Question the Reading

  • Guides you in developing study questions that will focus your attention on key concepts as you read.

Module 4: SQ4R – Reading the Text

  • Gives five reading strategies that will strengthen your reading comprehension.

Module 5: SQ4R – Reflecting on the Reading

  • Outlines ways that you can connect the ideas within a text to you and your experiences through reflective questioning.

Module 6: SQ4R – Steps 4 & 5 Recite & Review

  • Describes the importance of recitation as a way to retain new information and outlines how review work can connect to your preferred ways of learning.

Academic Reading Skills and Strategies Series

Click here to access the full playlist, or select specific modules below.

Module 1: Setting Reading Goals

  • Guides you in considering three questions that will help you set goals for your readings and prepare you for future assignments related to the readings.

Module 2a: Examining the Text Structure

  • Gives you pointers on how to analyze text organization, and to explore how the main ideas in the reading are developed.

Module 2b: Skimming the Text for the Main Idea

  • Shows how to quickly skim through a text for key words and phrases that will help you figure out the main idea.

Module 2c: Previewing Conclusions and Questions, and Planning your Reading Time

  • Demonstrates how analyzing questions and text conclusions, or endings, can help you identify what your supposed to learn from the reading. In addition, you will consider text difficulty in planning your reading time.

Module 3: The Three Levels of Reading Comprehension

  • Demonstrates three levels of reading comprehension, including surface, mid-level, and deep. Different levels of comprehension will be appropriate depending on the level of importance for the reading.

Module 4: Taking Notes

  • Outlines a variety of methods for note-taking, and offers strategies for studying that are based on three individual learning styles.

Module 5: Vocabulary

  • Utilizes six vocabulary strategies for figuring out and remembering difficult words.

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