Programs Overview

Drexel English Language Center

The Drexel English Language Center

Conditional and Provisional Admission Programs

The English Language Center and its partner institutions offer conditional and provisional admission programs for undergraduate, graduate and associate degree students who will benefit from additional English language support and who meet Drexel University’s academic requirements.

Undergraduate Programs

  • International Gateway Program – The undergraduate conditional admission program for Drexel University. The International Gateway program is a pathway for international students who would benefit from additional English language preparation before matriculating into an undergraduate program.
  • Drexel University Undergraduate Preparation (UPrep) – Undergraduate conditional admission program for pre-admitted Drexel students.

Graduate Program

Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program prepares students for academic study at an American university. Drexel University offers courses that meet the academic, personal and professional needs of international students. Courses run year round from six- to 11-weeks for beginner to advanced level students. Courses include pre-academic coursework and TOEFL/IELTS test preparation.

Drexel’s program provides eight levels of study from beginner to advanced. All incoming international students take a placement test to determine the student's level of study. Intensive English Program students attend classes for 21 hours a week and five days a week from Monday through Friday.

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ITA – International Teaching Assistants Program

Since 1980, the English Language Center has coordinated Drexel's International Teaching Assistants program, which include two components:

  1. Preparation component –which includes education and orientation– for the development of English language skills and North American cultural competence.
  2. Testing and screening component.

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Custom Programs

The English Language Center at Drexel University offers a wide range of custom programs tailored to meet the specific interests of groups such as grant-funded initiatives, ESL and ESP (English for Specific Purposes), pre-academic, and teacher training programs.

If you are interested in learning more, or would like to a custom program proposal, please email or call +1.215.895.2022.

Custom Programs

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