Admission Criteria

International Gateway Program

Drexel's Admissions Blog

To be admitted to the International Gateway program, students must meet University admission requirements, the program-specific requirements for their desired major, and the English language proficiency requirements.

If you are ready to apply review the information below, and the steps on the Application Instructions page.

Admission Criteria

Applicants must select an undergraduate major they wish to enter into after Gateway. Applicants may also select a second-choice major in case they do not meet the qualifications for their first choice. Eligible majors are listed below. Students must meet all of the program-specific requirements, in addition to general University criteria.

English language proficiency eligibility is determined by the scores of internationally recognized standardized tests. Below are some examples of accepted score ranges:

  Fall Entry Winter Entry
TOEFL 53-78+ 62+
IELTS 5.0-6.0+ 5.5+
PTE  41-53+ 44+

Students with higher scores should apply to Drexel University for direct Undergraduate Admission

Students with lower scores are welcome to apply for Drexel's Intensive English program. Students with other scores (SAT, ACT, Trinity ISE, MET, etc.) should email the Gateway program to determine if their scores are acceptable.

Eligible Majors

Students who successfully complete the Gateway program transfer into a full-time, matriculated undergraduate program at Drexel. All applicants are required to indicate a first choice of major from the list of majors below. A second choice major should also be selected.

Students should review the websites below for additional information about their intended major after Gateway:

List of Majors

Program Costs

A majority of Gateway students complete the program in 9 months (3 quarters); however, some students may require 12 months (4 quarters) of enrollment to be successful. The costs below are estimates based on both the 9- and 12-month enrollment plans. For fees and expenses, click here.

Other Costs You Should Consider

There are other costs to consider during your enrollment in the Gateway program including books, a computer for personal use, transportation, health insurance, and miscellaneous personal costs.

No financial aid is available for the students in the Gateway program; however, students are billed per quarter, which means the annual amounts listed above are broken into quarterly payments throughout your enrollment.