Graduate Preparation Program – Grad Prep


The Drexel Graduate Preparation program prepares academically qualified students for the challenges of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the American graduate school environment. This program consists of advanced coursework in academic reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as graduate academic skills. Upon successful completion of the program, students may matriculate into their graduate program in the Fall term. 

Admission Requirements

Admission to Drexel Graduate Preparation is by direct application to Drexel University Graduate Admissions only. Master's degree graduate students who qualify academically and need to improve their English language proficiency may be offered provisional admission to study in the Graduate Preparation program. 

  • Submit all official application documents to Drexel Graduate Admissions.
  • Meet the qualification requirements for your preferred Drexel graduate program. For more information, see Drexel Graduate Programs.
  • The minimum required TOEFL or IELTS scores for Graduate Preparation eligibility are determined by the graduate departments.
  • Graduate Preparation-eligible candidates will be contacted by the Graduate Preparation program for English proficiency placement.
  • A final admissions decision will be rendered by Drexel Graduate Admissions.

Admissions Timeline

Students interested in Graduate Preparation are encouraged to submit their documents to Drexel Graduate Admissions as early as possible to allow for the appropriate review. 

Winter 2024 Program Dates

Half-term (5 weeks): February 9 - March 15, 2024

Spring 2024 Program Dates

Half-term (5 weeks): May 3 - June 7, 2024

Summer 2024 Program Dates

Half-term (5 weeks): July 26 - August 30, 2024

Program length and start date are determined by the graduate program and the ELC.

Program Curriculum

Students take 21 hours of class in the four core skills of academic English: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specialized coursework in English for STEM or English for Media Arts may be offered, depending on enrollment. Students also work specifically on their grammar skills as well as academic study skills. Workshops on Drexel resources and campus life, regular meetings with the Graduate Preparation advisor, feedback from instructors, and free language tutoring also help students maximize their communication gains. A sample schedule is below.

  Monday   Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday   Friday 
9:00-10:20 Writing & Grammar
Writing & Grammar
Writing & Grammar
Writing & Grammar
Writing & Grammar
Listening & Speaking
Listening & Speaking
Listening & Speaking
Listening & Speaking
Listening & Speaking
11:50-12:50 Break Break Break Break Optional Workshop or Activity
1:00-2:20 Reading & Vocabulary Reading & Vocabulary Reading & Vocabulary Reading & Vocabulary Reading & Vocabulary

Upon successful completion of the Graduate Preparation program, a student's schedule for the first quarter of matriculated study will be determined by the graduate department with recommendation from the ELC.

Completing the Graduate Preparation Program

  • Successfully complete all Graduate Preparation coursework.
  • Demonstrate graduate level responsibility.
  • Receive a recommendation for matriculation by the ELC.

Estimated Program Costs