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Chemistry Spring Seminar

Friday, May 26, 2023

11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Join us on May 26th for our Weekly Chemistry Seminar! Guest Speaker, Dr. Madhu Mahalingam, will be joining us from the Department of Chemistry at Saint Joseph's University.
Student learning is ‘scaffolded’ in face-to-face (f2f) and online environments with the help of technology and small group learning. Interweaving asynchronous online learning, in the form of online homework and timed online quizzes, with f2f learning that incorporates peer discussion and use of a web-based audience response system, helps transition students’ knowledge levels and problem-solving abilities from level 1 skills (recall, reproduce, state) to level 2 (explain, classify, recognize), and then to higher order thinking skills, level 3 (application, interpretation, comparison) through problem solving in recitation. The timing of the asynchronous activities provides students with opportunities to engage with the material independently, with instant feedback, preparing each student for problems that are designed to promote higher level thinking skills in General Chemistry in a f2f recitation. Student learning measured through performance on exams, and student feedback, will be presented.
Can't make it? Join us on Zoom!
Passcode: 243750

Contact Information

Dr. Daniel King

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Drexel University
Disque Hall 109


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