Drexel Sociology Assistant Professor Kelly Underman, PhD

Kelly Underman, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Center for Science, Technology and Society
Office: 3201 Arch Street, 289

Additional Sites: kellyunderman.com

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  • PhD, Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BA, Psychology, Case Western Reserve University

Curriculum Vitae:

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Research Interests:

Medical education, the social construction of bodies and emotions, and the politics of scientific knowledge production


Kelly Underman received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Underman was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine prior to joining the faculty at Drexel. She is a qualitative researcher whose interests include medical education, the social construction of bodies and emotions, and the politics of scientific knowledge production. Dr. Underman is the author of Feeling Medicine: How the Pelvic Exam Shapes Medical Training (NYU Press, 2020). Her work has also been published in Social Science & Medicine, Gender & Society and Sociological Forum. Her awards include the Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Sociological Association Medical Sociology Section.

Selected Publications:

  • Underman, Kelly. 2020. Feeling Medicine: How the Pelvic Exam Shapes Medical Training. New York University Press: New York, NY.
  • Jenkins, Tania M.*, Kelly Underman*, Alexandra H. Vinson, Lauren D. Olsen, and Laura E. Hirshfield. 2021. “The Resurgence of Medical Education in Sociology: A Return to Our Roots and an Agenda for the Future,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 62(3): 255-270. *denotes equal authorship
  • Vinson, Alexandra H., and Kelly Underman. 2020. “Clinical Empathy as Emotional Labor in Medical Work.” Social Science and Medicine, 251: 112904.
  • Underman, Kelly, and Laura E. Hirshfield. 2016. “Detached Concern?: Emotional Socialization in Twenty-First Century Medical Education.” Social Science & Medicine, 160: 94–101.
  • Underman, Kelly. 2015. “Playing Doctor: Simulation in Medical School as Affective Practice.” Social Science & Medicine, 136: 180-188.