Arthur Shostak, PhD, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at Drexel University

Arthur Shostak, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Department of Sociology
Phone: 510.239.4002


An applied sociologist since earning his PhD in 1961 at Princeton University, Art Shostak, PhD, was an exemplary professor at Drexel from 1967 to 2003. He introduced courses in futurism, race and ethnic relations, social implications of 20th century technology, and urban sociology, and was the first to teach via Drexel Online. During his tenure, he sought and received research grants from the Ford Foundation, German Marhshall Fund, National Science Foundation, and the Social Science Research Council. He was the only social scientist to participate in Drexel’s first major effort to secure a large nanotechnology research grant.

Shostak has generously funded the Arthur Shostak Sociology Student Achievement Award, given annually to a graduating Drexel senior, as well as the Annual Drexel Hillel Lectureship, which he established in honor of his parents. He was the recipient of the Drexel University Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Teaching Excellence. He was a faculty sponsor of the first LGBT Student Club and he aided in the development of and served on the Advisory Boards of the Judaic Studies and Honors Programs. He served on the Faculty Senate and Chaired its Student Affairs Committee.

Shostak has held many prestigious appointments, including President of the Pennsylvania Sociological Society, Chair of the Sociological Practice Section of the American Sociological Association and of the Philadelphia Committee on Civic Policy. He was also the recipient of the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award in Sociological Practice from the American Sociological Association. He served as a consultant to the New Communities Section of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Philadelphia Anti-Poverty Program, and labor unions and school systems across the country.

During his career, Shostak has authored more than 200 articles and edited (25), authored (6) or co-authored (3) thirty-four books. His most recent book is "Stealth Altruism: Forbidden Care as Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust" (2017).