Xiaorui Huang, PhD

Xiaorui Huang, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Center for Science, Technology and Society
Office: 3201 Arch St, Suite 210, Room 205

Additional Sites:

Personal website
Twitter: @xhuangsoc
Google Scholar


  • PhD, Sociology, Boston College, 2022
  • MA, Sociology, Boston College, 2017
  • BS, Sociology & International Studies, University of Oregon, 2014

Curriculum Vitae:

Download (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Environmental Sociology
  • Human Drivers of Climate Change
  • Global Political Economy
  • Quantitative Longitudinal Analysis


Xiaorui Huang (pronounced Shiao-Ray Hwang) is an environmental sociologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Drexel University. Prior to joining Drexel, he received a PhD in Sociology from Boston College in 2022. Dr. Huang’s research agenda focuses on environmental sociology, climate change, global political economy, and quantitative methods. Dr. Huang’s main published work examines the environmental and human well-being implications of economic development, international trade, renewable energy, and income inequality. He has also published on quantitative methods and agricultural communities’ engagement with natural resource and climate change issues.

Dr. Huang’s published work appears in disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals such as Social Science Research, Climate Change, Sociological Forum, Sociological Methodology, Energy Research and Social Science, Sociology of Development, Ecological Economics, Environmental Research, Science of the Total Environment, and Human Ecology Review. Some of his work has received widespread media coverage in outlets such as National Geographic, Science Daily, and Phys.org. Dr. Huang is a co-editor and contributor of Handbook of Environmental Sociology (Springer 2021).