Jesse Goldman, PhD

Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Physics
Office: Disque 804
Phone: 215.895.1985


  • PhD, Physics, Kansas State University, 2000
  • BA, Physics, Columbia University, 1995

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research Interests:

  • Neutrinos
  • Cosmology
  • Muons
  • Cosmic Rays


Professor Goldman received his PhD in experimental high-energy physics in 2000 and, following post-doctoral research on neutrino oscillations, turned his focus to physics teaching. While teaching in the physics and astronomy department at CPSU San Luis Obispo, he became interested in observational cosmology, cosmic strings, and cosmic rays; topics which meld well with introductory physics teaching and undergraduate research. His passion for teaching and learning took him subsequently to teaching posts at the National University of Singapore, the University of Hawai’i at Hilo and, more recently, at Haverford College, Saint Joseph’s University, and Kohelet Yeshiva High School where he gained experience as an Advanced Placement faculty member in Physics and Calculus studying secondary-to-tertiary transitional teaching methods.

Professor Goldman’s current research interests include the analysis and data-reduction of space-telescope image data and cosmic-ray applications for compact detectors. His lower-division teaching interests span the standard undergraduate physics curriculum and include the development of novel, effective physics-teaching techniques, curriculum design, and both graduate and undergraduate mentoring.

His particular current teaching interests include the development and reorganization of Drexel's introductory engineering physics (Fundamentals of Physics) curriculum, both to streamline it and to make it more accessible to beginning students, while also maintaining rigor and continued relevance to engineering careers.

Professor Goldman also has a strong interest in graduate curricular development, especially as it relates to revising and modernizing classic, foundational, topical graduate physics courses, with a focus on revitalizing them for a new generation of experimental and theoretical students.

Selected Publications:

J.Goldman, A. McNichols, R. Pipes, “Cosmic Ray Muons on the Slopes of Mauna Kea”, The Physics Teacher 58, 38, 2020 


J. L. Christiansen, E. Albin, T. Fletcher, M. Foley (California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo), J. Goldman, I. P. .W. Teng (National University of Singapore), G. F. Smoot (University of California, Berkeley), “Search for Cosmic Strings in the COSMOS Survey”, Phys. Rev. D 83, 122004, 2011 


J. L. Christiansen, E. Albin, K. A. James (California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo), J. Goldman (National University of Singapore), D. Maruyama, G. F. Smoot (University of California, Berkley) “Search for Cosmic Strings in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey”, Phys. Rev. D 77, 123509, 2008 


T. Araki et al. (The KamLAND Collaboration), “Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation with KamLAND: Evidence of Spectral Distortion”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 081801, 2005