Eric Brewe, Drexel Associate Professor of Physics and Science Education

Eric Brewe, PhD

Associate Dean – Graduate Education in College of Arts and Sciences
Associate Editor – Physical Review Physics Education Research
Department of Physics
Office: Disque Hall, #918
Phone: 215.895.2779

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  • PhD, Physics Education Research, Arizona State University, 2002
  • MS, Physics, Arizona State University, 1998
  • BA, Physics, DePauw University, 1996

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research Interests:

  • Physics Education Research
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Modeling Instruction


Dr. Eric Brewe is a Professor in Physics and Science Education at Drexel University and is the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. His research into the teaching and learning of physics at the university level includes developing curriculum for the Modeling Instruction course, leading inquiries into the role of Modeling Instruction in promoting student learning, participation, retention & persistence, enhanced attitudes toward science and equity. This research has led to describing the role of participation in learning using primarily quantitative measures including the use of Network Analyses, and recently applications of machine learning and natural language processing.

In addition to research on post secondary physics, Dr. Brewe has been involved in preparing future physics teachers through Modeling Workshops, and as co-editor of the PhysTEC sponsored book, Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices. Dr. Brewe helped to found the American Physical Society’s Topical Group on Physics Education Research (GPER) and served as the founding Chair of GPER. He co-edited the Focused Collection on Gender in Physics published by Physical Review – Physics Education Research, served on the editorial board for Physical Review – PER..

Professor Brewe was named Chief Editor of Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER), an American Physical Society (APS) publication in January 2025. Brewe, who previously served as associate editor and published frequently in PRPER, has received significant external funding to support his research. Dr. Brewe is an APS Fellow and has held several leadership positions, including Chair of the APS Education Policy Committee, Chair of the APS Topical Group on Physics Education Research, and Chair of the APS Forum on Education.

Selected Publications:

  1. Commeford, K., Brewe, E., & Traxler, A. L. (2022). Characterizing active learning environments in physics using latent profile analysis. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18(1), 010113. []
  2. Aycock, L. M., Hazari, Z., Brewe, E., Clancy, K. B. H., Hodapp, T., & Goertzen, R. M. (2019). Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate female physicists. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 010121. []
  3. Brewe, E. (2018). The roles of engagement: Network analysis for Physics Education Research. Getting Started in Physics Education Research, 4(2). []
  4. Brewe, E.*, Bartley, J. E.*, Riedel, M. C., Sawtelle, V., Salo, T., Boeving, E. R., Bravo, E. I., Odean, R., Nazareth, A., Bottenhorn, K. L., Laird, R. W., Sutherland, M. T., Pruden, S. T., & Laird, A. R. (2018). Toward a neurobiological basis for understanding learning in Modeling Instruction physics courses. Frontiers in ICT, Research Topic: Active Learning: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Studies and Design Profiles, 5. [] *Co-first Authors.
  5. Brewe, E., Dou, R., & Shand, R. (2018). Costs of Success: Financial Implications of Introductory Science Course Reform for Students, Administrators and Taxpayers. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(1), 010109. []
  6. Brewe, E., Bruun, J., & Bearden, I. (2016). Using Module Analysis for Multiple Choice Responses: A New Method Applied to Force Concept Inventory Data. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(2), 020131. []
  7. Traxler, A., & Brewe, E. (2015). Equity investigation of attitudinal shifts in introductory physics. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 11(2), 020132. []
  8. Brewe, E., Traxler, A. L., de la Garza, J. E., & Kramer, L. H. (2013). Extending positive C-LASS results across multiple instructors and multiple classes of Modeling Instruction. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 9(2), 020116. []
  9. Bruun, J., & Brewe, E. (2013). Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and FCI pre-test scores. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education, 9(2), 020109. []
  10. Brewe, E., Pelaez, N. J., & Cooke, T. J. (2013). Editorial: From Vision to Change: Educational Initiatives and Research at the Intersection of Physics and Biology. CBE - Life Science Education, 12(2), 117-119.
  11. Brewe, E., Kramer, L. H., & Sawtelle, V. (2012). Investigating Student Communities with Network Analysis of Interactions in a Physics Learning Center. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 8, 010108. []
  12. Brewe, E. (2011). Energy as a substance-like quantity that flows: Theoretical considerations and pedagogical consequences. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 7, 020106. []
  13. Brewe, E., Sawtelle, V., Kramer, L. H., O’Brien, G. E., Rodriguez, I., & Pamela, P. (2010). Toward equity through participation in Modeling Instruction in introductory university physics. Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 6, 010106. []
  14. Brewe, E., Kramer, L., & O’Brien, G. (2009). Modeling Instruction: Positive attitudinal shifts in introductory physics measured with CLASS. Physics Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research, 5, 013102. []
  15. Brewe, E. (2008). Modeling theory applied: Models in the university physics classroom. American Journal of Physics, 76(12), 1155-1160. []