Matthew Ziemke

Matthew J. Ziemke, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Office: Korman Center 257

Additional Sites:


  • PhD, Mathematics, University of South Carolina, 2015
  • MS, Mathematics, John Carroll University, 2009
  • BS, Mathematics Education, Ohio University, 2007

Curriculum Vitae:

Download (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Functional Analysis
  • Operator semigroups
  • Mathematical Physics


Matt has been an Assistant Teaching Professor for the Mathematics Department at Drexel since the fall of 2016. His primary area of expertise is Functional Analysis. In particular, he is interested in operator algebras, semigroups of operators, Operator Theory, and their applications to Mathematical Physics. His research has primarily focused on quantum Markov semigroups, which are used to model irreversible open quantum systems.

Matt has taught at the collegiate level for more than fourteen years. First, as an instructor at Northern Virginia Community College outside of DC, then as a teaching assistant and instructor at the University of South Carolina, and now at Drexel. Matt has taught more than seventeen different courses while at Drexel ranging from MATH 101 to MATH 402, while also offering independent study courses in Measure Theory and Fractal Geometry. He is also active in the Math Department’s analysis seminar and enjoys giving talks and learning from his colleagues and the department’s graduate students.

Selected Publications:

  • George Androulakis, Alex Wiedemann, and Matthew Ziemke, 2020, The induced semigroup of Schwarz maps to the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 23, 10.
  • George Androulakis and Matthew Ziemke, 2016, The closedness of the generator of a semigroup", Semigroup Forum 93, no. 3, 589-606.
  • George Androulakis and Matthew Ziemke, 2015, “Generators of quantum Markov semigroups, Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 083512.