Eric J. Schmutz, PhD
Department of Mathematics
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- AB, Princeton University, 1981
Research Interests:
- Discrete mathematics
- Probabilistic methods
- Combinatorial number theory
“A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems”. - Alfréd Rényi
Selected Publications:
- Acan H, Burnette C, Eberhard S, Schmutz E, Thomas J., (2021), “Permutations with equal orders”, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 30(5), pages 800-810.
doi: 10.1017/S0963548321000043
Eric Schmutz, (2008) “Rational points on the unit sphere”, Central European Journal of Mathematics, Volume 6, pages 482-487.
William Goh and Eric Schmutz (2002), Limit distribution for the maximum degree of a random recursive tree, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 142 issue 1, pages 61-82.
Goh W and Schmutz E, (1995), The number of distinct part sizes in a random integer partition, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, Volume 69, Issue 1, 149-158.
Hulse(Hansen) JC and Schmutz E.(1993) How random is the characteristic polynomial of a random matrix?
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1993;114(3):507-515. doi: 10.1017/S0305004100071796
Goh W and Schmutz E, The Expected Order of a Random Permutation (1991) Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 23(1), 34-42.
Paul Erdős, Carl Pomerance, Eric Schmutz (1991) Carmichael's lambda function, Acta Arithmetica 58 (1991), 363-385 DOI: 10.4064/aa-58-4-363-385