Henry Israeli, PhD

Henry Israeli

Teaching Professor of English
Director, Drexel Writing Festival
Director, Jewish Studies
Department of English and Philosophy
Center for Interdisciplinary Study
Jewish Studies
Office: 5051B, MacAlister Hall

Additional Sites: henryisraeli.com


  • MFA, Creative Writing (Poetry), University of Iowa, 1993
  • MFA, Theater Arts (Playwriting), University of Iowa
  • BA, English, McGill University, 1990

Research Interests:

Modern and Contemporary Poetry


I have taught in Drexel’s First-Year Writing Program and the Pennoni Honors College at Drexel University since 2004. Aside from teaching, I am a poet, translator, and founder and editor of Saturnalia Books, a publisher of contemporary poetry. I have also published several books of my own, and received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Canada Council on the Arts, and elsewhere.

Selected Publications:

  • Lords of Misrule: Twenty Years of Saturnalia Books (Editor). Ardmore: Saturnalia Books, 2022
  • Our Age of Anxiety (Author). Winner of the annual White Pine Press Poetry Prize. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2019.
  • god's breath hovering across the waters (Author). New York: Four Way Books, 2016
  • Haywire (Translator: poetry by Luljeta Lleshanaku). London: Bloodaxe, 2012
  • Praying to the Black Cat (Author). Washington: Del Sol Press, 2010
  • Child of Nature (Editor and Translator; poetry by Luljeta Lleshanaku). New York: New Directions, 2010
  • New Messiahs (Author). New York: Four Way Books, 2002
  • Fresco: Selected Poetry of Luljeta Lleshanaku (Editor and Tranlator). New York: New Directions, 2002.

* More than 100 poems and translations have appeared in numerous journals including American Poetry Review, Tin House, Grand Street, Verse, The Iowa Review, The Literary Review, and elsewhere.