Hilde Van den Bulck

Hilde Van den Bulck

Professor of Communication
Department Head
Department of Communication
Office: 3201 Arch Street, Suite 100, Room 152


  • PhD in Social Sciences from KU Leuven (B) (2000)
  • MA in Mass Communication from the University of Leicester (UK) (1991)
  • MA in Communication Studies from KU Leuven (B) (1989)

Curriculum Vitae:

Download CV (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Political economy of media structures
  • Algorithmization, datafication and platformization
  • Trust and digital media
  • Media policies for digitized media ecologies
  • Public (service) media
  • Digital media and popular culture
  • Digital media, popular culture and populism
  • Media and (collective) identities
  • Celebrity culture and industry
  • Celebrity philanthropy and activism
  • Fandom and anti-fandom


Hilde Van den Bulck combines expertise in media structure and policies with expertise in media culture. Her work on media structures and policies focuses on the impact of technological, political, economic and cultural processes on legacy media, most recently focusing on the impact of algorithmization, datafication and platformization. She specializes in public (service) media, recently analyzing how personalization strategies based on algorithms affect the core public media value of universality and how trust in public service media in Europe and the US is affected by these developments.

With regards to media culture, next to analyzing the relationships between media culture(s) and collective (national, ethnic, gender and age-related) identities, she focuses on the role of mediated communication in celebrity culture and the celebrity apparatus. Always linking media culture to media industry, she analyzes how celebrities’ ideas, words, and actions provoke mediated debates amongst fans, wider audiences and, in the case of celebrity activism, politicians and policy makers. Topics range from celebrity and health, over celebrity and BLM to celebrity and populism. As a corollary, she analyzes celebrity fandom and anti-fandom.

Beyond that, for many years she had a monthly column in Belgian newspaper De Standaard and, later, on the news site of main Flemish public media institution VRT. For 12 years, she was vice chair of the Sectorial Media Council that provides policy advice to the Flemish Media Minister. Before coming to Drexel, Hilde was a Professor of Communication Studies, Head of Department of Communication, then Associate Dean of Research and later Dean of the Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp in Belgium.

Selected Publications:


  • Puppis, M.; Mansell, R., & Van den Bulck, H. (Eds.) (2024). Handbook of media and communication governance. Elgar.
  • Ouvrien, G., Jorge, A., & Van den Bulck, H. (Eds.) (2024). Audience interactions in contemporary celebrity culture. Lexington books.
  • Nordenstreng, K., Pasti, S., Hyzen, A., & Van den Bulck, H. (Eds.) (2024). Television news coverage in 11 countries of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Lexington books.
  • Reynders, D. & Van den Bulck, H. (Eds.) (2023). Masculinities+. Inclusive articulations and practices in fashion, media and popular culture. ASP-Owl Press.
  • Van den Bulck, H., Puppis, M., Donders, K. & Van Audenhove, L (Eds.) (2019). Palgrave handbook of methods for media policy analysis. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
  • Van den Bulck, H. (2018). Celebrity philanthropy and activism: Mediated interventions in the global public sphere. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.


  • Hendrickx, J., & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). Rumor has it: Epistemology of celebrity journalism in the Flemish digital media ecology. Journalism, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849241263328
  • Hyzen, A., & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). “Putin’s war of choice”: US propaganda and the Russia-Ukraine invasion, Journalism and Media, 5(1), 233-254.
  • Wandels, N., Mast, J., & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). Comparing media systems through the lens of neoliberal hegemony: Evidence from the US and Flanders. Media and Communication, 12, 7792.
  • Van den Bulck, H., & Raats, T. (2023). Media policymaking and multistakeholder involvement: Matching audience, stakeholder and government expectations for public service media in Flanders. European Journal of Communication, 38(2), 132-147. DOI: 10.1177/02673231221112199
  • Hyzen, A., & Van den Bulck, H. (2021). Conspiracies, ideological entrepreneurs and digital popular culture. Media and Communication, 9(3), 179-188. DOI: 10.17645/mac.v9i3.4092
  • Puppis, M., Van den Bulck, H., & Buerdel, E. (2020). Frozen 2: Communication rights and the thaw of public funding in small media systems. Journal of Information Policy, 10, 388-438.
  • Van den Bulck, H. & Hyzen, A (2020). Of lizards and ideological entrepreneurs: Alex Jones and Infowars in the relationship between populist nationalism and the post-global media ecology. International Communication Gazette, 82(1), 42-59. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748048519880726
  • Sørensen, J.K., Van den Bulck, H., & Sokol, K. (2020). Stop spreading the data: PSM, trust and third party service. Journal of Information Policy, 10, 474-513.
  • Robeers, T., & Van den Bulck, H. (2019). “Hypocritical investor” or Hollywood “do-gooder”? A framing analysis of media and audiences negotiating Leonardo DiCaprio’s “green’ persona” through his involvement in Formula E. Celebrity Studies, 12(3), 444-459.
  • Donders, K,Van den Bulck, H., & Raats, T. (2019). The politics of pleasing: A critical analysis of multistakeholderism in public service media policies in Flanders. Media, Culture and Society, 41(3), 347-366. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443718782004
  • Van den Bulck, H. & Moe, M. (2018) ‘Universality and Personalisation Through Algorithms: Mapping Strategies and Exploring Dilemmas’, Media Culture and Society, 40(6): 875-892 (open access: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0163443717734407).

Book Chapters

  • Hyzen, A. & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). The role of digital media and popular culture in contemporary political campaigning. In D. Lilleker, D. Jackson, B. Kalsnes, C. Mellado, F. Trevisan, & A. Veneti (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning. Routledge.
  • Jenkins, A., & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). Audience Relations to African American Athletes’ Activism from a Diachronic, Media Ecology and Celebrity Apparatus Perspective: Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Colin Kaepernick. In G. Ouvrien, A. Jorge & H. Van den Bulck (Eds.), Audience interactions in contemporary celebrity culture (pp. 107-126). Lexington books.
  • Puppis, M., Mansell, R., & Van den Bulck, H. (2024). Media and communication governance: from labelling to theorizing and practice. In M. Puppis, R. Mansell & H. Van den Bulck (Eds.). Handbook of media and communication governance (introduction). Elgar.
  • Puppis, M. & Van den Bulck, H. (2024) Methods for Global Media and Communication Governance Research. In C. Padovani, V. Wavre, A. Hintz, G. Goggin, & P. Isofodis (Eds.) Global Communication Governance At the Crossroads (pp. 371-388). New York: Palgrave.
  • Van den Bulck, H. (2024). Celebrity health narratives and the celebrity sick scape. In H. Vandebosch & G-J. de Bruyn (Eds.), Health, media and communication. Mouton De Gruyter.
  • Van den Bulck, H. (2023). When “everything” is still not enough: Expectations and realities regarding public service media’s contribution to twenty-first–century digitalised society. In M. Puppis, & C. Ali (Eds.), Public service media’s contribution to society: RIPE@2021 (pp. 313–326). Nordicom. https://doi.org/10.48335/9789188855756-15
  • Horowitz, M.; Milosavljević, M. & Van den Bulck, H. (2022). The use of AI by public service media: Between advantages and threats. In C. ElMorr (Ed.), AI and society: Tensions and opportunities (pp. 127-140). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
  • Van den Bulck, H. (2022). Public service media in the digital economy: A view from the EU. In T. Flew, J. Holt & J. Thomas (Eds.), The Sage handbook of the digital media economy (pp. 385-404). London: Sage.