Lawrence Souder

Lawrence Souder, PhD

Teaching Professor Emeritus of Communication
Department of Communication


  • PhD, Rhetoric and Communication, Temple University, 1999

Research Interests:

  • Technical and scientific writing and publishing
  • Nonprofit communication
  • Communication ethics


Lawrence Souder earned his PhD in the rhetoric of science from Temple University after working for a number of years as a technical writer and editor for IBM and ADP. His research is focused on the ethics of communications among scientists and between scientists and the public. He is also the founding director of Drexel Edits, a center that offers pro-bono editing services to nonprofit organizations in the neighborhoods bordering Drexel University. He teaches graduate courses in communication ethics, technical and science writing and editing, and nonprofit communication for the master's and undergraduate programs in the department.

Selected Publications:

  • "The Ethics of Ironic Science in Its Search for Spoof", with Maryam Ronagh, Science and Engineering Ethics, (Online First)
  • "Ad Hominem Arguments in the Service of Boundary Work among Climate Scientists," with Furrah Qureshi, Journal of Science Communication, Volume 11, Issue 01, March, 2012.
  • "The Ethics of Scholarly Peer Review: A Review of the Literature," Learned Publishing, Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2011, 49-66.
  • A Free-market Model for Media Ethics: Adam Smith's Looking Glass. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Volume 25 Issue 1, January 2010, 53 - 64.