Julia H May, PhD

Julia H. May, PhD

Director, MS in Strategic & Digital Communication Program
Director, Graduate PR Certificate Program
Associate Teaching Professor of Communication
Department of Communication
Office: 3201 Arch Street, Suite 100, Room 163
Phone: 215.895.5804


  • PhD, Communication, Culture & Media, Drexel University
  • MS, Communication, Drexel University
  • MA, Political Science, LMU Munich, Germany

Curriculum Vitae:

Download CV (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Political Communication
  • International politics and its news coverage
  • Public Opinion
  • Debate in the Public Sphere
  • Transatlantic relations
  • War, Torture and Human Rights

Teaching Areas:

  • Public relations research, writing and strategies
  • Journalism and news writing
  • Media relations
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Public Speaking


Julia H. May is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Communication, where she also serves as Director of the MS in Strategic and Digital Communication program and the Graduate PR Certificate program.

Julia teaches courses on both the undergraduate and the graduate level, focusing on public communication. She especially enjoys teaching courses related to public relations and journalism as well as research methods. Examples include writing courses such as PR writing, journalism and news writing, media relations, research methods, both quantitative and qualitative in nature.

Julia’s research interests are in political communication, mostly focusing on the discussion of foreign policy events in different parts of the public sphere such as newspaper opinion and online discussion and blogs.

Julia serves as the faculty advisor for Drexel’s Dance Marathon team, a student organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the families of patients at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia through the Children's Miracle Network Program.

Selected Publications:

  • Porpora, D. Nikolaev, A., May Julia H., Jenkins, A. (2012). Post-Ethical Society: The Attack on Iraq, Abu Ghraib and the Moral Failure of the Secular American Public Sphere. Under contract with The University of Chicago Press.
  • Porpora, D., Nikolaev, A. and Hagemann, J. (2010). Abuse, Torture, Frames and Editorials. Journal of Communication, 60 (2).

Research Presentations:

  • Hagemann, J., Jenkins, A., Nikolaev, A., Porpora, D. (2011). “The Content of Moral Debate Online: The Attack on Iraq and the Revelations of Abu Ghraib”. Presented at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Eastern Communication Association in Arlington, VA.
  • Hagemann, J., Nikolaev A., and Porpora D. (2010) “Necessary Interrogation or Inhumane Torture. The Torture Debate in the American Public Sphere”. Presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the Eastern Communication Association in Baltimore, MD.
  • Hagemann, J., Nikolaev A., and Porpora D. (2007) “Some did dare call it torture – but not loudly”. Presented at the Conference on Media, War and Conflict, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.