Alexander Friedlander

Alexander Friedlander, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric and Communication
Department of Communication


  • PhD, Rhetoric, Carnegie Mellon University, 1988
  • MA, English, Illinois State University, 1979
  • BA, English, University of Cape Town (South Africa), 1974

Research Interests:

  • Rhetoric
  • Document design
  • Usability testing
  • Written Communication, particularly regarding technologies in the professional writing workplace


Alexander Friedlander has taught a wide range of graduate and undergraduate writing and communication courses including Document Design and Evaluation, Readings and Research in Communication, Rhetorical Theory, Research Methods, and courses in professional writing, freshman writing and more. He has previously held administrative positions in the Department of Humanities and Communications and the Department of Culture and Communication, including Graduate Program Director (1992-1997), Undergraduate Communication Program Coordinator (1997-2001, 2004-2007), and Assistant Head of Culture and Communication (2002-2007). Professor Friedlander also served the College of Arts and Sciences as the associate dean for undergraduate studies (2008-2021).

His research interests include the nature of cognitive processes in the writing of non-native speakers of English and how computing technologies impact technical writers in their workplaces.