Kevin Smith, PhD

Kevin Smith, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Biology
Office: PISB 221 A
Phone: 215.571.3469


  • BS, Biology/Photography, Loyola College in Maryland
  • PhD, Environmental Science, Drexel University. Advisor: Walter. F. Bien, PhD
  • Post-Doc, STEM Education, Drexel University. Advisor: Jennifer Stanford, PhD

Selected Publications:

  • Smith, K.P.W., Parker M.R. and Bien, W.F. (2013) Anaxyrus fowleri interspecific nest use. Herpetological Review 44, 3: 492-493.
  • Smith, K.P.W., Parker M.R. and Bien, W.F. (2015) Behavioral variation in prey odor responses in northern pine snake neonates and adults. Chemoecology. 04 March. 10.1007/s00049-015-0193-6.
  • Stanford J.S., Rocheleau S.E., Smith K.P.W., and Mohan J. (2015) Early undergraduate research experiences lead to similar learning gains for STEM and Non-STEM undergraduates. Studies in Higher Education. 01 May. 10.1080/03075079.2015.1035248