Accelerated Degree in Chemistry (BS + MS)

Earn Your Advanced Degree Sooner

Drexel University Chemistry Department Faculty

The accelerated degree program in Chemistry provides the academically qualified student with an opportunity to earn both a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree and a Master of Science (MS) degree. Students receive two diplomas in five years, the time typically required to finish the Bachelor of Science degree with the co-op option alone.

This academically demanding program has several allowances built-in to enable the program to be completed in the time allotted. For instance, it requires only 180-181 rather than 190-195 undergraduate quarter credits. The co-op experience may be adjusted so that the student can take two rather than three co-op cycles, enabling two additional quarters of on-campus study. If needed, the student may also take evening courses while on co-op.


Exceptional students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and who are enrolled in the five-year co-op option are eligible for the BS + MS program. Students formally apply to the program after they have completed 90 credits but before they have completed 120 credits. Students are strongly encouraged to begin planning for the program as early as their freshman year. Students who have more than 120 credits are not eligible.

Transfer students are eligible to join the BS + MS program, but they must be able to complete the program in the time it would take to complete the BS degree alone. International transfer students must be able to meet the required minimum TOEFL score for the department graduate program (currently 550) in order to be admitted to the BS + MS program.


Students enrolled in the Accelerated BS + MS in Chemistry must complete 180 undergraduate quarter credits for the bachelor's degree and at least 45 graduate quarter credits for the master's degree. All graduate departmental requirements must be satisfied in full, including producing a thesis, if the thesis-option master's program is elected. Master's thesis requirements must be completed no later than the spring quarter of the final year. Students in the BS + MS program must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in their undergraduate and graduate coursework to remain in the program.

Application Process: Next Steps

Students need to formally apply to the accelerated chemistry program. Undergraduate students should review the application process for accelerated programs outlined by the Graduate College of Drexel University. You may also contact your College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate adviser to apply. Applications must be accompanied by a plan of study prepared in consultation with the undergraduate and graduate adviser in the department, and must be officially approved by both the department head and the dean.


Please email Daniel King, PhD, the Chemistry Department's Undergraduate Affairs Committee Chair, at for more information.

Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!