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About Our College

Experience the power of the arts and sciences

David Brown, Dean, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences
Dean David S. Brown, PhD

With all of the challenges facing modern society, the demand for a multi-faceted curriculum and an approach to problem solving that seamlessly integrates the arts and sciences has never been more important. This integration is not just desired by future employers, it is the best and most apparent way forward as we work to bring new solutions to the world’s most complex problems.

P.I.E., supported by faculty members, and relevant to the challenges facing our students today, is the philosophical credo of The College of Arts and Sciences, and encompasses the way in which our community approaches academic studies, research and future careers:

The practical, problem-solving education infused with applied methods provided by the College of Arts and Sciences presents an abundance of relevancy in a modern, global economy. It is no longer enough to teach from just one perspective, as the world we live in requires a more nuanced approach.

The integrated curriculum of our college marries the arts and sciences, producing a more well-rounded, better prepared “bilingual” student who is able to approach the complexities of society from a variety of perspectives. Drexel prides itself on offering experiential opportunities early and often that provide students with the practical knowledge they need immediately upon graduation. The College of Arts and Sciences offers a variety of community-based learning classes, study abroad opportunities, research fellowships, lab and field work as well as Drexel’s trademark Co Op experiences.

It is with these principles that we move our college into the future. By staying nimble, but holding true our values, we continue to provide an award-winning education that prepares our students for the world outside of the university walls.

Learn more about the dynamic intersection between the arts and sciences. Here are some recent favorites from my bookshelf.

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Meet Our Community

By the Numbers


of Drexel University students take courses in the College of Arts and Sciences.


students are currently enrolled in the college. In the spring 2024 term, the College of Arts and Sciences had 1,951 undergraduate and 357 graduate students enrolled.


of Drexel’s Community-Based/Community-Engaged Learning courses were taught by college faculty during the Winter 2023-2024 term. In addition, dozens of civic, neighborhood and non-profit groups partner with the college.

1 in 10

first-year students with majors in the college engage in the STAR —Students Tackling Advanced Research— program where they earn a stipend and complete 350 hours of faculty-mentored activity.


of Drexel’s Undergraduate Research Mini Grants were awarded to College of Arts and Sciences majors during the Winter and Spring 2024 terms.


of College of Arts and Sciences students were employed on co-op in 2021-2022, and 70% of these positions were paid.


College of Arts and Sciences graduates form a powerful, global alumni network.