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Student Spotlight: Mikayla O’Brien '24

May 2, 2024

PA Student Mikayla O'Brien Class of 2024Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Point Lookout, NY, a small beach town on the south shore of Long Island. With just over 1,000 year-round residents inhabiting 11 blocks, it is a close-knit community of caring people who "look out" for one another.

Where did you do your undergraduate work?
I graduated from Boston College in 2020 receiving my Bachelor of Science in Biology. After college and prior to PA school, I worked as a medical assistant in both podiatry and pediatrics offices, gaining valuable patient care experience.

Why did you choose the PA profession?
I have always been the type of person who strives to leave people feeling better after I have spent time with them, whether this be my friends, family, peers or patients. When I was younger, the little laundry room in my house became my “first aid station,” where I would help my friends with cuts and bruises of all kinds. I was so willing to provide care and glad that I could make a difference. From a young age, I was always drawn to the medical field, but it wasn’t until I was exposed to the role of a PA while in my undergraduate years that I realized this was the career for me. I worked alongside teams of PAs, physicians, RNs, NPs, residents, fellows and research coordinators. I always related most to the PAs and dreamt of being a part of the team. I soaked up their every move. During an internship one summer, my own heart nearly leapt from my chest with excitement as I watched a vascular surgery PA harvest the greater saphenous vein during a life-saving CABG procedure. I was inspired by the critical role she played on the team, her ease of execution and her empathy inside and out of the operating room. I wanted to be her. The next summer, I had the opportunity to work alongside a team of two PAs and a physician in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. I meticulously observed the PAs as they diagnosed, ordered testing, assisted in surgery and celebrated the recovery of their patients. I was drawn to their patients’ progress and determined to have my own impact one day. To this day, I thoroughly enjoy helping patients both inside and out and love giving them the confidence to be the best version of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. I have encountered so many PAs who have a tremendous influence on their patients and have fostered amazing relationships with them through the care they provide. I cannot wait to have this same type of positive impact on my future patients as a PA-C. For now, I will continue to practice as a PA-S both at home and on clinical rotations!

Why did you choose Drexel University PA program?
Drexel University has a long-standing history of being one of the most well-known sites for educating future medical providers. Located in Philadelphia, one of the largest medical-hub cities in the country, it was an honor to be offered a seat in their prestigious program and receive a top PA school education.

What music is currently on your playlist?
I love a mix of Zach Bryan, Noah Kahan, The Lumineers, Maggie Rogers, Mt. Joy and Hozier!

What is an item on your bucket list?
I would love to travel to Italy, Greece and Iceland (to see the Northern Lights) one day. I have also always wanted to hike the Grand Canyon during sunrise.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Montauk aka “The End,” which is a coastal town and the most eastern point of Long Island. It is only a few hours from where I live, but sometimes your favorite vacation spot doesn’t need to be too far from where you call home!

Tell us one fun fact about yourself that may not be on your resume.
I was a competitive Irish step dancer for 18 years of my life until I retired and started running in 2020. As someone who had never considered herself a “runner” prior, I surprised myself and made my friends and family proud when I ran the NYC Marathon in 2021. I have since run the Broad Street 10-miler with some of my best friends from PA school!