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Margaret Finley, PT, PhD

Contact Information

Margaret Finley


Associate Professor

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Department

Margaret Finley, PT, PhD is an associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science. She earned a PhD in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD. Finley’s research has been supported by a VA Rehabilitation Research Service through a predoctoral fellowship, postdoctoral training (Associate Investigator) and subsequent mentored Career Development Award, as the principal investigator on a multi-site Department of Defense-funded study and currently by the Department of Defense Spinal Cord Injury Research Program (SCIRP), Craig H. Neilsen Foundation and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health SCI Research Program. Finley is the Director of Health & Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs and teaches courses in both the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences program. Her research uses a mixed method approach to examine the interaction of biological and psychosocial factors in the development and progression of secondary condition and the impact of activity and participation on biopsychosocial health factors in individuals with neuromotor impairments.

Academic Distinctions

She is a standing member of the NIH Center for Scientific Review, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Function, Integration and Rehabilitation Sciences (FIRS) Subcommittee and is on the editorial board of Topics in Spinal Cord Rehabilitation.

Professional Society

Finley is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (Research, Orthopedics and Neurological section member), American College of Rehabilitation Medicine, American Spinal Injury Association, and the American Society of Biomechanics.

Selected Publications

Canori, A., Coffman, D., Wright, GW, Finley, MA, Hiremath, S. (2024) Differential relationships between physical activity and pain phenotypes in individuals with spinal cord injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. DOI: 10.1080/10790268.2024.2344315. Epub ahead of print.

Baehr, L, Hiremath S, Finley MA. Physical activity measurement through accelerometry during group tele-exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury: A case series: Accelerometry during exercise in individuals with SCI. CommonHealth. (Accepted for publication)

Baehr, LA, Hiremath S, Bruneau, M., Chairello, L., Kaimal, G., Newton, R., Finley MA. (2024) Impact of tele-exercise to promote empowered movement for individuals with spinal cord injury (TEEMS) program on physical activity determinants and behavior: A mixed methods assessment. Archives Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 105(1),101-111. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.08.019. PMID: 37678447.

Baehr, L, Bruneau, M., Finley, M. (2023) Baseline comparison of exercisers vs. non-exercisers with SCI enrolled in a group tele-exercise program, Topics in Spinal Cord Rehabilitation. 29(4), 27-36. doi: 10.46292/sci22-00027. PMID: 38076490

Baehr, L., Kaimal, G, Bruneau, M, Finley, MA. (2023) Development and feasibility of a synchronous group tele-exercise class for individuals with spinal cord injury: A mixed methods pilot study. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. 47(4), 200-207. doi: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000449. PMID: 37306469.

Baehr, L., Fisher, K., Finley, M. (2023) Perspectives on health with spinal cord injury now and in the future: a qualitative descriptive study. Physical Therapy, 103 (4) PMID: 37086208.

Baehr LA, Kaimal G, Hiremath SV, Trost Z, Finley M (2022) Staying active after rehab: Physical activity perspectives with a spinal cord injury beyond functional gains. PLOS ONE 17(3): e0265807. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265807. PMID: 35320294

Euiler, E., Finley, MA. (2022) Reliability of upper extremity muscle activity and kinematics during adaptive rowing: A pilot study. Sport Rehabilitation. Apr 27;1-7. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2021-0266. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35477897.

Finley, M., Baehr, L., Bruneau, M., Kaimal, G. (2022) Group tele-exercise for individuals with spinal cord injury: A mixed methods pilot study. Journal of Physical Activity Research, 7(1), 10-17. doi:10.12691/jpar-7-1-3.

Finley, M., Euiler, E*., Gracely, E., Baehr, L*., Brownsberger, M. Schmidt-Read, M., Frye, SK., Kallins, M., Summers, A., York, H. Geigle, PR. (2021) Relationship of psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal pain among individuals with newly acquired spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Series and Cases ,7(1), 62. doi: 10.1038/s41394-021-00415-4. PMID: 34282128

Finley, M., Euiler, E., Trojian, T., Gracely, E., Schmidt-Read, M., Frye, SK., Kallins, M., Summers, A., York, H. Geigle, PR. (2020) Shoulder impairment and pain of individuals with newly acquired spinal cord injury compared to uninjured peers. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 6(1).68. doi: 10.1038/s41394-020-0318-1. PMID: 32753624

Finley, MA, Euiler, E., Hiremath, SV, Sarver, J. (2020) Movement coordination during humeral elevation in individuals with newly acquired spinal cord injury. Technical Note, Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 36(5), 345-350. doi.10.1123.jab.2019-0387. PMID: 32796138

Canori, A, Amiri, AM, Thapa-Chhetry, B, Finley, MA, Schmidt-Read, M, Lamboy, MR, Intille, SS, Hiremath, SV. (2020) Relationship between pain, fatigue, and physical activity levels during a technology-based physical activity intervention. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2020 Jun:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2020.1766889. PMID: 32496966

Finley, MA and Euiler, E. (2020) Association of psychosocial factors, musculoskeletal pain, and activity in manual wheelchair users: A pilot study. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 43(4):497-504. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1565717. PMID: 32796138.

Grant participation:

CDMRP SCIRP Clinical Translation Award (HT9425-24-1-0878). Improving Cardiometabolic Health in Individuals with SCI Using Home-based Interactive Virtual Gaming. Role: PI (2024-2027)

CNHP ORI Pilot Grant 2024. Aerobic capacity and exercise intensity of virtual reality in people with spinal cord injury. Role: PI (2024-2025)

PA Dept of Health SCI Research Program - “Tele-exercise for Individuals with SCI: Physical, Psychological and Social Determinants” Role: PI (2024-2026)

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Psychosocial Research Program (CNHF 865512) - “Integrated tele-exercise for individuals with SCI: psychological and social responses” Role: PI (2022-2025)

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs- Spinal Cord Injury Research Program Investigator Initiated Research Award (DoD SCIRP W81XWH-17-1-0476) “Development of a Biopsychosocial Prospective Surveillance Model of Shoulder Pain in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury” Role: PI (2017-2021)

Research Interests

Finley's research interest is the identification and mitigation of secondary conditions in persons with chronic health conditions, impairments, activity and participation limitations. Her primary focus is individuals with spinal cord injury, investigating accessible, inclusive physical activity interventions to mitigate biopsychosocial secondary conditions, promoting activity and participation. Employing quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, she utilizes lived experience perspectives and identifies needs regarding physical activity and community engage of individuals with SCI.

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PhD, Physical Rehabilitation Science (Cognate: Biomechanics), 2003
University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland

Master of Arts, Biomechanics, 1993
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Bachelor of Science - Physical Therapy, With Honors, 1987
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Bachelor of Science – Kinesiological Science, Summa Cum Laude, 1985
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland