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Samantha Werman

Contact Information

Samantha R. Werman


Assistant Clinical Professor

Physician Assistant Department

Samantha Werman is an assistant clinical professor in the Physician Assistant Program in the College of Nursing and Health Professions at Drexel University.

Werman joined the PA department faculty in July 2024. Prior to joining Drexel’s PA department faculty, Werman worked as an assistant professor and clinical coordinator at PCOM’s PA program. She has practiced clinically in critical care medicine since graduation from Arcadia University’s Physician Assistant program in 2011 where she earned her Master of Medical Science (MMS). Additionally, Werman has been a recurring guest lecturer at both Arcadia and Jefferson’s PA programs.

Werman lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia with her husband, three children and their dog Rocky. She loves all things outdoors. In the summer her free time is generally spent with her family either swimming at the pool or beach or in the mountains hiking. In the winter she does her best to be out skiing whenever able. She has skied at almost 40 different resorts across both the U.S. and Canada.

Professional Society


Selected Publications

Samantha R Werman. "Ehrlichiosis" 17th EMRA Antibiotic Guide (2017)

Arcadia University
Glenside, Pennsylvania
May 2009 – May 2011
Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies