Denise Way

Contact Information

Denise Way


Assistant Clinical Professor

Undergraduate Nursing

Denise Way began her nursing career in 1995 at Frankford School of Nursing knowing it was her calling after taking care of many family members who were ill. After watching her uncles, aunts and father struggle with diabetes and high blood pressure she had to find a way to end this cycle of illness. Way started taking courses at community college and Temple University to see what it would take to become a nurse, but most importantly how to increase the life expectancy of her family members. With the knowledge she gained Way learned about nursing interventions and health promotion and what it means to be a professional nurse—to be knowledgeable, responsible, accountable, caring, patience, compassionate and have empathy. These essentials are necessary to become an expert in nursing. Throughout Way’s nursing career the Nursing Code of Ethics and the American Nurses Association Standard of Nursing has continued to inspire her to grow and learn more about the diverse roles of nursing. She has worked in numerous areas of nursing such as, critical care, step-down unit, telemetry, observation unit and Med-Surg. Way’s current interests continue to be teaching students the importance of nursing and educating and caring for vulnerable adults and elderly clients in various community settings.

Academic Distinctions

End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Advancing Palliative Care: 209 ELNEC Award Winner. Continuing Aging in Place, Advancing Better Living for Elders) CAPABLE certificate training at John Hopkins University 2018.

Professional Society

Southeastern Pennsylvania Black Nurses Association, Five Points Magneta Soroptomist, and NLN.

Research Interests

Gerontology and Osteoporosis community health prevention and education. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, presently a board member as of August 2020. She is presently participating in Dr. Gitlin’s research project—CAPABLE Program —serving as the professional nurse completing the assessment of elderly clients in their homes for the dean’s study. Developed holistic gerontology course in hybrid format with co-develop simulation director in 2018. Applied to present at Temple University Evidence-Based Practice Conference in April 2020. Presented osteoporosis prevention poster and lecture at the 11th Street community health center in 2016. Presented osteoporosis poster and lecture at Providence Baptist Church Health Fair. Presented osteoporosis poster at the Dornsife Community Center grand opening in 2017. Worked with Loretta Jemmott, PhD, assistant informing elderly adults about the new Dornsife center in the Mantua community. Presently on the new hire search committee during 2018-2020. Health educator and coordinator team at Providence Baptist Church. Previous chair of the Gerontology course.


Med/Surg. Nursing.

CNS, Nursing, 2019-2020
Widener University
Chester, PA

DNP, Nursing, 2016
Wilmington University
Wilmington, DE

Post-Masters Certificate, Education, 2012
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA

MSN, Nursing, 2009
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA

BSN, Nursing, 2000
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA

ASN, Nursing, 1998
Penn State University
Philadelphia, PA