Kelley Toffoli Headshot

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Assistant Clinical Professor; Track Director, Emergency Nurse Practitioner Program

Graduate Nursing

Kelley Toffoli has been a registered nurse since 1998. She received a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Delaware as a family nurse practitioner in 2007 and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Drexel University in 2016. Doctoral research focused on improvements in emergency department care and triage.

Toffoli became an adjunct professor at Drexel University since 2016 and has been a full-time assistant professor and assistant track director of the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Program (Individual Across the Lifespan) since 2018. Her clinical career focus is primarily on emergency care for individuals across the lifespan and inpatient hospitalist medicine.

Toffoli’s professional career is driven by a passion for health education, preventative healthcare and caring for patients and their families.

Academic Distinctions

  • Scholarship Award, University of Delaware School of Nursing (graduate studies)
  • Traineeship grant (graduate studies)
  • Sigma Theta Tau International (Honor Society of Nursing)

Professional Society

American Association of Emergency Nurse Practitioners
New Jersey State Nurses Association
New Jersey State Forum of Nurses in Advance Practice
Sigma Theta Tau International (Honor Society of Nursing)
American Association of Critical Care Nurses

Selected Publications

Toffoli, K. (2021). Peripheral vascular injuries. In R. Holleran & T. M. Campo (Eds.), AAENP Core Curriculum. New York: Springer Publishing Company. – Pending Publication

Toffoli, K. (2020). Procedures for removing a soft tissue foreign body. In T. M. Campo & K. Lafferty (Eds.), Essential procedures for practitioners in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings: A clinical companion. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Toffoli, K. (2020). Procedures for cerumen removal and ear foreign body removal. In T. M. Campo & K. Lafferty (Eds.), Essential procedures for practitioners in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings: A clinical companion. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Toffoli, K. (2018). Emergency and critical care nursing: Urologic emergencies. In J. J. Fitzpatrick, C. M. Alfes, & R. L. Hickman (Eds.), A guide to mastery in clinical nursing (pp. 160-163). New York: Springer.

Emergency Department Triage Quality Improvement Doctoral Project (DNP) 2016

Research Interests

Quality improvements in emergency care.


Board certified family nurse practitioner. Career focus on emergency care of the individual across the lifespan (adult and pediatric) and hospitalist medicine.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 2016

Master of Nursing Science (MSN)
Family Nurse Practitioner Track
University of Delaware Newark, DE 2007

Bachelor of Nursing Science (BSN)
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 2005

Diploma in Nursing
St. Francis Medical Center School of Nursing
Trenton, NJ 1998