Paulina Sockolow

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Paulina Sockolow


Associate Professor

Health Sciences Department

Paulina Sockolow DrPH, is a public health informatician. She has been trained in the fields of health informatics and health policy and management as a National Library of Medicine/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Informatics Fellow at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2010 she became Johns Hopkins’s first graduated doctorally prepared informatician, receiving her Doctor of Public Health degree.

Sockolow’s program of research focuses on the use of health informatics to improve to improve the health of people who are vulnerable or reside in under-resourced communities. She has been awarded R21 and R01 grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to examine health information technology support for nurses during the delivery of care to older people across the transition in care and in-home healthcare. She also investigates consumers’ use of mobile health information technology for patient-centered care and self-care. Sockolow has also conducted research in cross-national comparisons of electronic health record systems.

Sockolow’s survey instrument, the Electronic Health Record Nurse Satisfaction (EHRNS), has been added to the AHRQ HIT Library Survey Compendium and is used world-wide. She has also developed and applied a health information technology evaluation framework the Health Information Technology Reference-based Evaluation Framework (HITREF).

In addition to her healthcare training, Sockolow has an applied background in informatics with over 20 years of experience. She successfully managed large projects implementing clinical information systems in academic hospitals. She also has a Master of Business Administration degree, with majors in healthcare systems and decision science, from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Academic Distinctions

National Library of Medicine/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Informatics Fellow

Faculty Fellowships

Fulbright Specialist Roster, US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. 2019-present

Stein Family Fellowship: Health Informatics Research Collaboration with the University of Haifa. 2018.

Professional Society

American Medical Informatics Association

Selected Publications

Sockolow PS, Bowles KH, Wojciechowicz C, Bass EJ. Incorporating home health care nurses’ admission information needs: Informing data standards, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2020; 27(8) 1278–1286,

Champion CL, Sockolow PS, Bowles KH, Potashnik S, Yang Y, Pankok C, Le N, McLaurin E, Bass EJ. Getting to complete and accurate medication lists during the transition to home health care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Published online: July 25, 2020,

Sockolow PS, Le N, Potashnik S, Bass EJ, Yang Y, Pankok C, Champion CL, Bowles KH. There’s a problem with the problem list: Incongruence of patient problem information across the home care admission, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, Published online: July 28, 2020. doi:

Buck H. Shadmi E, Topaz M, Sockolow P. An integrative review and theoretical examination of chronic illness mhealth Interventions using the Middle Range Theory of Self-care of Chronic Illness. Research in Nursing & Health, doi: 10.1002/nur.22073. 2021; 44(1);

Sockolow PS, Weiner JP, Bowles KH, Lehmann HP. A new instrument for measuring clinician satisfaction with electronic health records. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2011; 29(10) 2011: 574-585; PMID: 21543972. Also in 29(11) topic collection issue centered on the theme "Nurses' Attitudes toward Computers".

Grant participation:

Topaz M, McDonald M, Cato K, Sockolow P, Onorato N, Barron-Vaya Y, Bowles KH. Improving Patient Prioritization During Hospital-Homecare Transition: A Mixed Methods Study of a Clinical Decision Support Tool. R01NR018831 National Institute of Nursing Research. 09/25/19 - 07/31/2022. Role: Co-Investigator

Sockolow P, Bass E, Bowles KH. Information Needs of Homecare Nurses During Admission and Care Planning, R01 HS024537 Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Research and Quality. 4/2016 - 3/2019 (NCE 3/2020). Role: Principal Investigator

Dandekar, K. CPS: Sensing Processing and Action of Biomedical Smart Textiles, U01EB023035 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. 05/15/2016 – 02/29/2020. Role: Co-Investigator

Fisher K, Shulkusky E, Hardie T, O’Neil M, Miller M, Sockolow P, Polek, C & Loomis, F. Targeting healthy weight in persons with intellectual and developmental disability using CBPR strategies. CBPR: Collaboration of Drexel, Penn, CHOP, & Temple Universities. 7/2013-7/2014. Role: Co- Investigator

Sockolow PS, J. Lei. Comparing Electronic Health Records at Three Major Peking University Hospitals in China to United States Meaningful Use Objectives, Peking University Center for Medical Informatics. 8/12. Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Sockolow PS, Bowles KH, Zakeri I. Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation and Adoption of EHR in Home Care, R21 HS021008 Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Research and Quality. 9/2011-3/2014. Role: Principal Investigator

Editorial review board membership:

Applied Clinical Informatics, Journal of International Medical Informatics Association; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Associate Editor, 2012-present

Research Interests

Health informatics

View Research Profile

DrPH, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Health Policy and Management

MS, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Health Sciences Informatics

MBA, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School: dual major Health Care Systems Decision Sciences

BA, University of Pennsylvania College of Arts and Sciences Individualized Major: Health Care Systems