Sue Smith, PT, PhD, FNAP

Contact Information

Susan Smith


Associate Professor and Dean Emerita, College of Nursing and Health Professions

College of Nursing and Health Professions
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Department

Sue Smith, PT, PhD, FNAP joined Drexel's faculty in 2004. She has over 46 years clinical experience at a variety of practice sites and 40 years faculty experience. In addition to teaching, Smith served in many administrative roles, including Director of the PhD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Associate Dean for Health Professions Education, Associate Dean for Research, and as Interim Dean for the College of Nursing and Health Professions. Smith served as the principal or co-investigator for 19 funded research proposals. She has presented at local, regional, national and international meetings, published in a variety of journals and authored or coauthored several book chapters. In addition, she served as the major research advisor for numerous students earning post-professional MS, MHS, DPT, DHSc and PhD degrees. She previously directed the pro bono Osteoporosis Education and Exercise Program. Among her accomplishments are founding what has become the Board for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and creating the College's Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Collaborative.

Academic Distinctions

Distinguished Scholar and Fellow National Academies of Practice

Faculty Fellowships

Distinguished Scholar and Fellow National Academies of Practice

Professional Society

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association (PPTA)
Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy (ACPT)
National Academies of Practice (NAP)
Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC)

Research Interests

Her clinical, teaching, service and research focus is orthopedic and geriatric physical therapy with emphasis on measurement/assessment, spinal pain, osteoporosis, exercise intervention for fall prevention and health promotion.