Joanne Serembus

Contact Information

Joanne Serembus

EdD, RN, CCRN (Alum), CNE

Clinical Professor

Graduate Nursing

Joanne Farley Serembus, EdD, RN, CCRN, (Alumnus), CNE is certified as a critical care nurse (Alumnus) by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and is a certified as a nurse educator through the National League for Nursing. She also holds certification in online teaching from the Online Learning Consortium. Serembus' research interests include patient safety, particularly in medication administration and nursing education specifically, learner engagement in the online learning environment.

Serembus has thirty-three years of experience as a critical-care nurse, six years as a professional development nurse educator and over thirty years as an academic nurse educator. As a clinical nurse, Serembus performed in administrative roles as well as that of a clinical nurse specialist. As a nurse educator, Serembus served as director of two undergraduate nursing programs, distinguishing herself as a curriculum expert.

During her time at Drexel, Serembus has been faculty for the undergraduate, MSN and doctoral programs as well as past director for the MSN and RN-BSN programs. She is active on several departmental and University committees. She is a Drexel Online Learning Council Fellow.

Academic Distinctions

  • College of Nursing and Health Professions, Excellence in Online Teaching award in 2015
  • Utilization of Research in Nursing Practice Award, Recipient, Region 6 of Sigma Theta Tau International

Professional Society

American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Online Learning Consortium
Association for Professional Nursing Development
National League for Nursing
Sigma Theta Tau

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Serembus, J. F., & Murphy, J. (2020). Creating an Engaging Learning Environment through Video Discussions. Nurse Educator, 45(2), 68-70. Advanced online publication May, 2019. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000701

Serembus, J. F., Hunt, P., Lenahan, K., & Lydon, A. (2019). Internet, Apps, and Tweets: Enhancing Clinical Learning through Just-In-Time Training. Nursing Education Perspectives. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000486 [Peer-reviewed]

Serembus, J. F., & Riccio, P. A. (2019). The relationship between student engagement and outcomes for online MSN students. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(4), 207-213. doi:10.3928/01484834-20190321-04

Kemery, D. C., & Serembus, J. F. (2019). Onboarding and Supporting Adjunct Faculty: An Innovative Approach. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(4), 250-251. Advanced online publication July 2018. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000353.

Book Chapter

Serembus, J. F. (2018). Recognizing and responding to risk, harm, and liability. Part II: Responding to Legal Charges: Malpractice, Negligence, and Claims of Harm. In P. R. Zuzelo (Ed.). Indirect care handbook for the advanced role nurse. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Grant participation:

Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Nursing, Grant for Advanced Nursing Education Traineeship, (Primary Investigator). (Awarded 125,000).

PHEF Nurse Education Grant, (Co-Investigator). (Awarded 100,000).

Editorial review board membership:

Nurse Advise-Err (Institute of Safe Medication Practice)

Research Interests

Engagement in Online Learning; Patient Safety


Critical Care Nursing and Education

EdD, Higher Education & Leadership, 2000
Widener University
Chester, PA

MSN, Critical Care Nursing, 1985
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

BSN, Nursing, 1984
La Salle University
Philadelphia, PA

Diploma, 1976
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital School of Nursing
Philadelphia, PA

*PostBaccalaureate Certificate Neuroscience, Learning and Online Instruction, 2017
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA