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Contact Information

Jane Greene Ryan


Associate Professor Emerita

Undergraduate Nursing
RN-BSN Completion Department

Ryan, PhD, a nurse midwife, has spent her career studying maternal-child health particularly through a global lens; in this role she has travelled to Ghana, Bolivia and India. Since 2012 she has been working with CNHP’s sister university, Eternal University, in Himachal Pradesh, India where she is a visiting professor. She has created and taught global classrooms uniting Drexel nursing students with students in India at both the undergraduate as well as the graduate level and in collaboration with her Indian colleagues, has developed and implemented community-based graduate student projects assessing the health status of villagers in rural India. She has presented and published widely on her research interests and is actively engaged in the mentorship of students and faculty [at Drexel as well as internationally] at various stages of their career.

Academic Distinctions

Faculty Chair CNHP Board of Global Healthcare Engagement; Drexel Council for Global Engagement

Faculty Fellowships

CNHP Global Faculty Scholarship Fellow

Professional Society

Sigma Theta Tau International, International Council of Nurses; Eastern Nursing Research Society

Selected Publications

Greene-Ryan, J. (2020). When Technology Connects: Using Technology to Learn Together in a Global Environment. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 51, 114-115.

Greene-Ryan, J. (2019). When Technology is Scarce: Assessing Maternal Child Anemia in Rural India. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 44, 130-132.

Plante, L. A., Ryan, J. G. (2019). Preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome. In: R. C. Hyzy & J. McSparron (Eds.), Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case-Study Approach. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.

Greene-Ryan, J., Haas, K., Kramer, N., Vizzachero, N., Butler, S., & Waechtler, E. (2016). When Technology Fails: Community-Based Pediatric Hospice. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 31(3), 353-355.

Greene-Ryan, J., & Dogbey, E. (2015). Premature Births: A Global Problem Affecting 15 Million Babies. American Journal of Maternal Child Health Nursing, 40, 278-283. 10.1097/NMC.0000000000000174

Grant participation

2015: Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (NIH R25)
National Institutes of Health
Award number: PAR:10-140, $43,200

2015: Cooper Collaborative for Upward Mobility in Nursing
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – New Jersey Health Initiatives
Award number: NJHI 71975, $250,000

Editorial review board membership:

Holistic Nursing Practice

Journal of Pediatric Nursing

American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing

Research Interests

Migration, maternal-child health, rural health, community-based care


Women's Health

Widener University, Nursing Education, PhD, 2010
“Adjusting to the United States Healthcare Workplace: Perceptions of Internationally Educated Nurses”

University of Pennsylvania, Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Nurse Midwifery, 1990

University of Pennsylvania, BSN, 1986