Lynnette Montgomery, PhD

Contact Information

Lynnette Montgomery

PhD, BPhty

Assistant Professor

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Department

Lynnette Montgomery PT, PhD is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences at Drexel University. She received her Bachelor of Physiotherapy with class I honours from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. After working as a physiotherapist for 7 ½ years in acute hospital and neurorehabiltation settings she pursued her PhD in neuroscience at The Ohio State University. Upon graduating from OSU she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Louisville investigating the mechanisms underlying rehabilitation following spinal cord injury. Her research interests center on understanding the anatomical and neurophysiological substrates associated with neuroplasticity following neurological injury and the role that physical therapy interventions can play in facilitating this plasticity to restore function following injury. This research will ultimately lead to targeted rehabilitation strategies that physical therapists can use to maximize functional recovery following neurological injury.

Academic Distinctions

  • Paralyzed Veterans of America Fritz Krauth Memorial Awardee (2015)
  • Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) II Scholarship (APTA)
  • Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) I Scholarship (APTA)

Professional Society

American Physical Therapy Association (2008 – 2013)
Licensed Physiotherapist – Australia (2000 – present)
Licensed Physical Therapist – Washington State (2002 – present)
Licensed Physical Therapist – Arizona (2005 – present)

Selected Publications

Hubscher CH, Gumbel JH, Armstrong JE, Montgomery LR (2022) Impact of activity-based recovery training and desmopressin on spinal cord injury-induced polyuria in Wistar rats. J Spinal Cord Med. May 23:1-7.

Kajtaz E, Montgomery LR, McMurty S, Howland DR*, Nichols TR* (2021) Non-uniform upregulation of the autogenic stretch reflex among hindlimb extensors following lateral thoracic spinal lesion in the cat. Exp Brain Res. 239(9):2679-2691.

Doperalski AE, Montgomery LR, Mondello SE, and Howland DR (2020) Anatomical plasticity of rostrally terminating axons as a potential bridging substrate across a spinal injury. J Neurotrauma 37 (6): 877-888.

Montgomery LR and Hubscher CH (2018) Altered vasopressin and natriuretic peptide levels in a rat model of spinal cord injury – Implications for the development of polyuria. Am J Physiol – Renal 314(1): F58-66.

Montgomery LR, Herbert WJ, and Buford JA (2013) Recruitment of ipsilateral and contralateral upper limb muscles following stimulation of the cortical motor areas in the monkey. Exp Brain Res 230(2): 153-164.

Grant participation:

Paralyzed Veterans of America Postdoctoral Fellowship (PI – LR Montgomery) 01/2015 – 12/2016 - $100,000.

Research Interests

Neuroscience, neurorehabilitation, neural plasticity, motor control.

  • Postdoc – University of Louisville
  • PhD (neuroscience) – The Ohio State University
  • BPhty (Hons Class I) – University of Queensland